The World of The Gunny

DSA program
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Author:  haegan2007 [ 27 Sep 2012 19:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

Tonight was all database entry. Apologies folks, we should have a pic next time!

Author:  haegan2007 [ 29 Sep 2012 12:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

I am going to redo the orbital missions. We are going to split it up into Orbital, Endurance, and EVA Endurance.

Author:  haegan2007 [ 25 Nov 2012 05:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussions

the logic trees on this one have me stumped. but here is a post of the current screen we are working on.

Untitled.png [ 14.5 KiB | Viewed 29339 times ]

Author:  MrAnderson [ 26 Nov 2012 22:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussions

I don't know anything about VB like I said, keep looking though and you'll find a solution. Happens alot for me too. The program's going good so far too.

Author:  haegan2007 [ 08 Dec 2012 18:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

Ken, i misposted in the survival fora, would you move it here?

Author:  haegan2007 [ 08 Dec 2012 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

As a side note, I am going to have to redesign the mission database. It looks like I am going to have to store the basics for the mission in a parsable way inside the db for the mission type references as well as in the created missions for the players. At the moment I still have no idea how to do this.

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 08 Dec 2012 20:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
Ken, i misposted in the survival fora, would you move it here?

And is done. Jump onto Messenger Bud! I gots lots to chat with you about. :AH

Cheers, Thor

Author:  haegan2007 [ 12 Dec 2012 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

I am working on designing the basic information storage for a default mission. it needs to be able to store and permit a easy way to pull the information and conditions that are required for the mission.

For instance, I cannot allow a sounding rocket to launch a probe to Jupiter. How do I establish minimal preconditions that the program will recognize and use when evaluating the players equipment choices when the player is creating his missions?

Ken has developed a wide range of missions and that means that I cannot use an easy generic preset umbrella for all the missions. This may get as complicated as the Caps were for the Unit Maker.

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 12 Dec 2012 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
I am working on designing the basic information storage for a default mission. it needs to be able to store and permit a easy way to pull the information and conditions that are required for the mission.

For instance, I cannot allow a sounding rocket to launch a probe to Jupiter. How do I establish minimal preconditions that the program will recognize and use when evaluating the players equipment choices when the player is creating his missions?

Ken has developed a wide range of missions and that means that I cannot use an easy generic preset umbrella for all the missions. This may get as complicated as the Caps were for the Unit Maker.

I kinda figured it would be a bit harder than what you initially thought. Sorry about that. :AE

Cheers, Thor

Author:  haegan2007 [ 14 Dec 2012 19:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

okay, i created additional spots in the table for the mission types . basically, we need to note the minimal hardware for a mission and include it into the default mission database.

we'll see how this works

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 15 Dec 2012 10:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
okay, i created additional spots in the table for the mission types . basically, we need to note the minimal hardware for a mission and include it into the default mission database.

we'll see how this works

That information is already included in the mission descs. in the rules. So it should be, relatively, easy to transcribe. :AH

Cheers, Thor

Author:  TheDOC [ 18 Dec 2012 05:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

Awesome progress, keep it up!

Author:  haegan2007 [ 22 Dec 2012 17:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

One of my issues with the VB6 supplied DB interface is that it is limited. The extended descriptions alone can be more then a thousand characters. The interface allows way less then that.

So I have to program an interface/screen that allows me to inject these large text blobs directly into the DB. Here is the second screen i have had to do this for. I am going to have to extend this somewhat so the data entry does not get confusing. I will need descriptive text off to the left I think.

Untitled.png [ 42.07 KiB | Viewed 29262 times ]

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 22 Dec 2012 17:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
One of my issues with the VB6 supplied DB interface is that it is limited. The extended descriptions alone can be more then a thousand characters. The interface allows way less then that.

So I have to program an interface/screen that allows me to inject these large text blobs directly into the DB. Here is the second screen i have had to do this for. I am going to have to extend this somewhat so the data entry does not get confusing. I will need descriptive text off to the left I think.

I like where you are heading with this bud. It will allow for great modularity, what I think we need. :tu

Good job bud!

Cheers, Thor

Author:  MrAnderson [ 22 Dec 2012 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

I use RichTextBoxes in C#, much easier plus it has built in textwrap and scrollbars, something regular textBoxes don't have. Again, I have no clue about VB(I could probably read a bit of the code, but not edit/make it). However, integrating it with the Database seems like a good move, especially for future expansion.

Author:  haegan2007 [ 23 Dec 2012 00:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

You have a point. Once the base code is done, it's fairly easy to retarget difference tables. At this point though, I am still waiting on finished equipment descriptions from Ken. So instead of retargeting, I just made a new page.

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 23 Dec 2012 01:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
You have a point. Once the base code is done, it's fairly easy to retarget difference tables. At this point though, I am still waiting on finished equipment descriptions from Ken. So instead of retargeting, I just made a new page.

As I told you many times, just put Will finish later for the equip descs. that are missing. That way you are not held up in your programming.

A lot of the HW has never been made by humans yet. So I have to come up with new descriptions and right now they are low priority. I have much more important things that need to get done.

Cheers, Thor

Author:  haegan2007 [ 23 Dec 2012 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

okay, I will likely replace the cargo text boxes with combo drop down boxes and fill those from the hardware DB. With the rockets removed of course. While the strap on boosters are in the rockets category, we don't want the player to be able to choose the strap on as the only way to get into orbit. A little bit of work on my part will fix that.

Lol, the mission creation screen is going to have a cascade of checks that will be almost as complicated as what the Unit Maker program has.

As I was unable to find a post with pics of the unit maker uploaded, I went ahead and loaded one here. Before it is the current DB entry screen for the DSA program.

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Untitled1.png [ 42.96 KiB | Viewed 29249 times ]

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 23 Dec 2012 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
okay, I will likely replace the cargo text boxes with combo drop down boxes and fill those from the hardware DB. With the rockets removed of course. While the strap on boosters are in the rockets category, we don't want the player to be able to choose the strap on as the only way to get into orbit. A little bit of work on my part will fix that.

Lol, the mission creation screen is going to have a cascade of checks that will be almost as complicated as what the Unit Maker program has.

As I was unable to find a post with pics of the unit maker uploaded, I went ahead and loaded one here. following it is the current DB entry screen for the DSA program.

It may get complex programming it, but that flexibility will allow the GM and players to have more fun, by not having artificial limits placed on them.

Good job bud!

Cheers, Thor

Author:  haegan2007 [ 30 Dec 2012 18:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

Okay, we have the screen setup to populate the default mission database and have gone back to work on the screen the player uses to create his/her own missions for the game.

I went and started on this and then realized there was an easier way and went back and basically redid most of the code on this screen.

The drop downs create the SQL string that pulls the info the screen is using. As not much is actually getting pulled, the information that is traveling back in forth is minimal and there should be no detectable delay, even over a slow internet connection.

This screen is still a work in progress so we should see significant additional changes during the next update!

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Author:  Þórgrímr [ 30 Dec 2012 21:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
Okay, we have the screen setup to populate the default mission database and have gone back to work on the screen the player uses to create his/her own missions for the game.

I went and started on this and then realized there was an easier way and went back and basically redid most of the code on this screen.

The drop downs create the SQL string that pulls the info the screen is using. As not much is actually getting pulled, the information that is traveling back in forth is minimal and there should be no detectable delay, even over a slow internet connection.

This screen is still a work in progress so we should see significant additional changes during the next update!

Lookin' good bud! Keep up the good work! :tu

Cheers, Thor

Author:  haegan2007 [ 05 Jan 2013 18:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

okay, I had to go back and redo the table for the default mission data. I had left out boosters... :AE

Now I am tying everything together on the Mission creation screen where the player creates their mission types.

Right now this page only pulls twice from the DB. The 1st pull is by far the largest with a potential of roughly 50 record sets. The 2nd pull only retrieves one record set.

Eventually, clicking the Accept button will save the mission so that it can be referenced on the Admin Annex screen.

AS you can see, progress!

Untitled.png [ 21.05 KiB | Viewed 29169 times ]

Author:  Þórgrímr [ 05 Jan 2013 18:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

haegan2007 wrote:
okay, I had to go back and redo the table for the default mission data. I had left out boosters... :AE

Now I am tying everything together on the Mission creation screen where the player creates their mission types.

Right now this page only pulls twice from the DB. The 1st pull is by far the largest with a potential of roughly 50 record sets. The 2nd pull only retrieves one record set.

Eventually, clicking the Accept button will save the mission so that it can be referenced on the Admin Annex screen.

AS you can see, progress!

Outstanding bud!

Cherrs, Thor

Author:  MrAnderson [ 05 Jan 2013 19:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

Looking good! I haven't seen many VB programs that have been going this smooth, can't wait to see/try the finished project.

Author:  haegan2007 [ 06 Jan 2013 15:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: DSA program

i have been looking at its potential. It will form the basis for the BTS program. We decided to write this first to find out what we didn't know. Most of what I am learning is that the programming is easy, designing the DB so it has what I need is the hard part. Though some of the logic trees that we have used have given me fits. Ask Ken what the caps programming was like for the unit maker! Though I think what really gave me fits on that was adding the ability to permit new caps to be made. IE, caps modding for future games and people who wanted to specialized the caps for a particular time era or sci-fi/fantasy setting.

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