The World of The Gunny

The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: Almost There
PostPosted: 21 Jun 2006 18:25 
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"Almost There..."
17 July 2000
1831 Hours
Somewhere West of Kalisz, Poland

The rain poured heavily across the ground, large drops splashing into miniature lakes of water. The impacts of droplets hit with a steely thunk against the deck plating of a M3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle. Specialist Graham Summers shook the water from his poncho and peered back into the engine compartment, he threw his wrench onto the ground and turned away from the access "panel" as his boots dug into the mush of mud and water on the ground.
"Sir." He said as he approached a group of other soldiers standing near some trees. "It's done, the engine has multiple chunks taken out of it, and its leaking lots of oil.. I can't stop all of the holes." He paused to take a breath, " The hyd. system is also going. Lets salvage what we fuel and equipment we can and get going." 1st Lieutenant Jake Archer nodded his head as he looked at the battle damaged M3 in the field. Its TOW launcher was missing and the main gun was split, the end hung like a limp cigarette, pointing towards the ground. The body was wracked with bullet holes, richochets, and large jagged tears, the evidence of heavy action. "Iron Maiden" was no more.
"Sergeant Ayers!" Archer called out to the three others by the tree.
"Sir?" Staff Sergeant Mike Ayers replied as he stepped before Lieutenant Archer.
"Pull in the security while we salvage what we can from the M3."
"Yes sir." Ayers responded and took off to get the three soldiers pulling security. Lieutenant Archer with Speicalist Summers in tow headed back towards "Iron Maiden."

As they pulled what gear they could from inside the M3, the radio sprang to life: "... To all stations, Division HQ has been overrun, repeat Division HQ has been overrun, the offensive has failed... Pact strength unknown. Rally has been established at any point along the Oder River." The panicked voice paused for a moment. Archer stood in silence staring at the radio, deciding if he could even attempt to radio back. The next words sent chills down his spine. "Good Luck. You're on your own, Out."

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PostPosted: 22 Jun 2006 20:25 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Wolfblade, I used to play Twilight 2000 all the time. Good start, I look forward to more on that world from you. :tu

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 30 Jul 2006 15:22 
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Yup, I'm working through the first chapter as we speak.... interrupted by moving to California for my "C" School!

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PostPosted: 30 Jul 2006 16:12 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Welcome back dude, and looking forward to the next installment. :bs

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Chapter One
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 13:36 
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Chapter One
19 June 2000 A.D.
4th Squadron, 12th Cavalry Staging Area
3 Km East of Chojnice Poland
M3 Bradley engines turned over as Lieutenant Archer reviewed his operation orders and map. 4th Squadron, 12th Cavalry was to scout ahead of this prong of the 5th Infantry Division’s attack. He looked at the area of operations and then called to Sergeant Ayers.
“Sergeant Ayers!” The Sergeant stopped advising Private First Class Contreras on the ammunition situation of his vehicle and reported to Lieutenant Archer.
“Sir?” he replied questioningly.
“Sergeant, we’re the last group of M3’s left from 1st Brigade, the General has us scouting ahead of the 12th.”
“Well the last thing we were thinking at the beginning was that the Cavalry would go back to their roots.” Ayers chuckled.
“Anyways, being the last M3’s here, we will be held in Reserve as the other parts of the Squadron screen towards Lodz. We believe the village of Tuchola is friendly, but we’ll find out when we get there. Our vehicles will then deploy on the wing to Torun, we believe that there may be resistance, and it’s our job to determine if there is any and in what strength.” Sergeant Ayers nodded his head; he’d heard all this during the formal briefings.
“What has changed,” Archer continued, “is that no one can decide what to do with us. We’re too valuable to waste, and too valuable not to use. We need to be ready to be at the front of screens and supporting the mounted Cav.”
“That seems to be the dilemma, right sir?” Ayers responded. He finished copying the details on Archer’s map.
“Well Intelligence is faulty as Hell; we’ll just have to see what situation dictates. The show kicks off in about an hour, we cross the line of departure 10 minutes after. Let’s finish our preparations.”
“Yes sir.” Ayers replied and then returned to his vehicle. Archer patted the side of his M3 and traced his hand over the paint stenciled on the side, Iron Maiden.
“You’ll hold up,” he said to himself, “won’t you?”

2 Hours Later
Past Phase line Jackson (LOD)
1 Km west of Tuchola, Poland
Lieutenant Archer scanned the horizon with his binoculars; he couldn’t spot anything unusual on the terrain from where they were. “It’s too quiet Summers.” He said on the inter-com.
“Maybe they pulled out sir.” Summers replied.
“No, I doubt it, send out the scouts.”

Sergeant Erik Carpenter hit the ramp with his foot as soon as it came down. He found a fold of ground and dove for it. Private First Class Jake Morris followed and quickly went prone beside him. The rest of the team from the second M3 met them. “All right, the village of Tuchola, should be due east of here, let’s move out, column.” Sergeant Carpenter folded up his map and put it in its case. They moved through a stand of trees cautiously and eventually made their way to the edge where a field opened up before them. They could see the remaining houses of the village on the opposite side of the field which stretched before them. “There it is, move carefully.” He gave the hand signal for a team wedge and they continued forward. As they neared Carpenter could see some movement as armed men patrolled around the buildings. He raised his hand up and clenched his fist: “Freeze.” Then patted the air: “Get Down.” The group of men went to the edge of the road leading into the village and stood there.
“Looks like they are waiting for someone.” Corporal Stone said. Carpenter looked through his binoculars and noticed they had armbands with a Polish Partisans symbol stitched onto them: A double-headed eagle, over a Polish flag.
“Partisans, looks like the ones we are supposed to meet. Take it slow and meet up with them. But, be alert, they could be with the Commies.” They stood up and moved slowly in the field, trying to look non-threatening. As the partisans noticed them near, they all turned in their direction and waved to them, speaking in their language. “Morris, let the L.T. know we made contact with what appears to be the partisans from Tuchola.

“So, who knows Polish?” Lieutenant Archer asked. The four partisans stood and watched the soldiers as they conferred.
“I might sir.” Corporal Smith stepped forward, slinging her rifle over her shoulder.
“How much do you know?” Archer asked.
“Enough I hope sir; I studied a bit in school. I’ll give it a try.” She stepped forward and spoke, “Może pytam gdzie Radziecki są?”
“Ja nie może pamiętać dokładnie. Tam są Komunistyczny Język polski i Radzieckie jednostki do południe wschód Tuchola. Nie ma wiele przy Torun. Ale tam jest wielka moc w Krosniewice.” The lead partisan replied.
Naturally, Smith thought to herself. This is going to take awhile…

30 minutes later
“What the hell is going on here Lieutenant?” a gruff voice startled Archer who turned around to see the CO of B Troop: Captain Haynes.
“Translation troubles Captain, we’ve lost most of our ‘official’ translators.” Archer stressed the word official.
“What have you learned?” Haynes said, dusting himself off from the ride.
“The partisans, say the Soviets aren’t here but they do know the road to Krosniewice is relatively clear. There are some unknown Pact forces at Torun, but there aren’t supposedly that many.”
“You sound unsure.”
“Well we can’t be sure they are reliable, they say the Soviets are all over the place. But, they claim the roads are clear all the way through, excepting Torun.
“I guess we’ll see, won’t we?” Captain Haynes said, returning to his horse. Archer climbed back aboard Iron Maiden and thanked God that he still had her as he laid out his map.

 Post subject: Chapter One
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 13:37 
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Musta triple posted or something....

Last edited by wolfblade on 05 Aug 2006 13:40, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 13:39 
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Well I've finished the final draft of the first half of the first chapter. So far so good. The Polish was done with the help of so if its off, its my fault for not knowing Polish but it looks good to me. Don't worry with some help from some of the friends I may be able to also create a Google Earth Map that will co-inside with the story (and the death of the 5th Infantry Division in general), giving the readers ideas where everything is at and what is going on....

Damn indents and inability to read the words as being italicized and such.....

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PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 16:32 
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30 June, 2000
Near Krosniewice, Poland
2023 Hours
Starszy szeregowy Bozydar Oszono took another step and hopped into his foxhole. He was early to his watch at the listening post. Rumor was that a NATO force was on the move in their direction and they had been put on a higher alert status. He scanned the terrain in front of him with the field glasses that were setup there. He couldn’t see much as the forests in front of him were darkening quickly. He settled down and pulled out his flask of moonshine.

Sergeant Carpenter crept forward towards the edge of the woods and then slithered onto his stomach. He watched as Stone moved gracefully forward, barely making any noise as he moved forward.
“Sergeant.” Morris whispered, “I think I see something.”
“I see a Polish soldier in a badly concealed OP, settled in between those trees.”
“Bad place,” the team nodded, “all right, let’s do it.”

It had been a week of distilling alcohol in the Torun area before the division could move on, but the 12th Cav, being on horseback, could still scout, and the M3’s attached from the 1st Brigade, 256th Regiment were given priority since they could give the 12th some backup if the troopers got themselves into trouble, not that four M3’s could change the tide, but a 20mm cannon can help put a stop to most pursuits. Lieutenant Archer wiped some sweat off of his brow and continued to scan the darkness with his night vision monocular. “Sir, Sergeant Carpenter on the radio.” Archer lowered himself down inside the turret and closed the hatch.
“Yes?” he said into his mike.
“Sir, we have an enemy outpost on the outskirts of the town, we are going to neutralize it and stand by for the attack. Looks like they can give an early warning to the garrison.”
“Roger that, go ahead and kill it, out.” He clicked it over to the inter-com and spoke again, “Summers, get ready to warm her up, we’ll be moving in thirty.”

Starsky szeregowy Bozydar Oszono was enjoying himself this night, he’d managed to barter an extra pair of boots for a liter of moonshine. And out here alone on watch, he planned to enjoy himself, a bit. Which was too much. He never saw the knife that plunged into his throat the same time a hand clamped over his mouth. The bottle fell to the ground and seeped alcohol into the floor of his foxhole.

PFC Jake Morris wiped his bloody knife on his arm, not that the stain mattered much, his Battle Dress Uniform was practically dirt and mud already. He signaled to Carpenter who whispered into his radio, “Showtime.”

Lieutenant Archer watched as four M1A1 Abrams from 2nd Brigade, rumbled by Iron Maiden and listened as the sixteen 155mm shells that were a preparatory “bombardment” slammed into the town of Krosniewice. The M2’s and infantry on foot were quick to follow. “C’mon lets pickup our boys.” Archer said as Summers pulled Iron Maiden into the column of vehicles and men. Sergeant Ayers wasn’t far behind.

“Shit! Stone griped as the large shells impacted into the town nearby. It had been sometime since he’d heard an arty round fired in anger. They had stalked back into the trees and lay low, observing the town. They heard the rumble of engines as an M1 broke out into the field while infantry ran towards where they had found the Polish soldier. They could see men appear in the town in with their night vision as the defenders realized what was happening. Then the small arms opened up. First, an M60 peppering a line of houses, then the distinct sound of AK-74s returning fire. “Oh shit!” Stone rasped again. By then the Polish defenders were scattering out of the town and troopers from the 12th Cav had secured the road junction. Carpenter watched as a pair of M3 Bradleys rumbled in front of the woods, one with Iron Maiden emblazoned on its left flank in red outlined with white, and he came out of cover. Archer appeared out of the cupola and told Carpenter to mount up.

6 July, 2000
Krosniewice, Poland
1315 Hours
“We’ve got the bastards on the run!” the Colonel stood in front of his map in the café and made a sweeping motion from west to east. “So far 4-12 reports that the roads are clear to Zgierz where intel tells us the Sixth Polish Border Guard Brigade has been established as a blocking force, and where their forward elements that used to be here are retreating to.” He paused to take a sip from his canteen, “So 4-12 is sweeping west and south, riding hard to find us another route. So far they’ve made it to Szadel and are continuing to Lask, then Pambiance.” His hand traced the route on the map. 4-12 was tracking west and then riding in a crescent, the bottom of which approached Lodz from the southwest. “The General has sent the 2nd Brigade to Poznan to help guard against the 1st Polish Tank Army to the west of us. So we have to wait until the 12th Cav finishes their ride and then we’ll continue. Otherwise be ready to move out ASAP.”
“Atten-SHUN!” the adjutant balled out. The entire room jumped to attention. Colonel Reynolds strode out of the room as a Major took the “stage” and Reynolds cried out “Carry on!”
“Take your seats gentlemen. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Major Evans, Brigade G-4. Lieutenant Colonel Miller was killed during the advance. Distilling is going quite well, with our largest stills which are being moved up here to Krosniewice, but we should have enough to make our second bound in a few days…”

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PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 16:36 
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Sorry, I'm just too lazy to do the formatting for italics and such. Mainly because I type this up in Word and then copy/paste it over. I also don't own any PCs so I can't save it to anything....

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PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 01:14 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Wolfblade,np on that dude. I like it so far. Keep up the good work. :r

And if you wish to put a map with the story go ahead and make it, and I will put it on the FTP and post in this thread.

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 14:28 
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My inspiration for the whole Iron Maiden thing comes from a model of an M2 my dad did probably before I was born, but he gave it to me since he had no where to go with it. It was done up normal but had the Iron Maiden band logo painted on one of the track skirts.

Besides.... I love that band!

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PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 14:31 
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Dang... How many posts to get to Lance Corporal? (Commandant or Criminal if those types apply as well. :gl )

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PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 15:39 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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25 for PFC and 50 for L/CPL. :bs

Wolf, you like Mil Sci Fi, read this and let me know what you think. :AH

Assault of the IV Ala

Cheers, Thor

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 16:59 
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LOL I'll get there somewhere between reading the Saga of Gunny and writing my own and packing and getting ready to get out of Lemoore!!!

 Post subject: Quick update
PostPosted: 09 Aug 2006 14:19 
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Running through Chapter Two at the moment... I have a little over half of it written.... This one slows the action down a bit and explores a few of the characters since in the time frame of things the units don't do much fighting until the 14th of July when the final eastern attack and breakout through Lodz is started. I've chosen to keep the characters with the 4-12 for as long as I can until I decide they will get cut up in the Chaos of the retreat.

You may possibly see Chapter Two this weekend or after I get home during the week!

 Post subject: Chapter Two Part One
PostPosted: 24 Aug 2006 23:12 
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Chapter Two
9 July 2000
Krosniewice, Poland
0835 Hours

It had been three more days of waiting, the division had pushed its alcohol stockpiles below the limit for the projected final drive on Lodz. The M3s with 4-12 were going nowhere with not enough extra fuel. Three days had cost them. 4-12 had encountered a large force of cavalry at Pabiance earlier that morning and were heavily engaged. Lieutenant Archer finished putting the last details of the reports on his maps and ate another spoonful of Beef Stew MRE. He could hear some of the division’s 155s opening up in support of 4-12. The howitzers had been towed by horse and truck to the forward base at Krosniewice. He drew a cigar from his pocket and lit it with a match. He had three left and with this downtime he planned to enjoy one. He settled down and not five minutes later Smith poked her head above the cupola, “Sir Operations on the radio, they want us to move out.”

3 Hours Later
5km east of Lask, Poland
Sergeant First Class Robert Erickson spurred his horse on. His troop was the rearguard for the entire squadron. A machinegun opened up and chopped the ground near him. He dropped off of his horse and fell to the ground, another burst of rounds brought his horse down. “Sarge! Over here!” a voice called out above the cacophony. He crawled towards the voice and heard a M249 fire a long burst. “Shit!” Another burst, followed by an explosion. Sound turned into muffled bumps and thumps, then his ears began to ring. He crawled forward blindly and rolled into a depression. The SAW chattered again and Erickson’s ears began to clear.
“Sarge! What the hell is going on here?” A PFC asked. Erickson shook his head and pulled out his M9, his M16 was lost to the winds of war. A burst of rounds impacted in front of them and another round impacted behind them. They ducked as more fell around the depression. A machinegun chattered, spraying the front edge of the depression and raining chunks of dirt on their helmets.
“Ah God! We’re going to die!” somebody cried out. More sounds added to the din as the ground began to shake. Erickson then heard the most beautiful sound in the world as a 20mm chaingun opened up with a rattle followed by another quick burst from a second. He saw a Bradley pull forward in front of the depression, “Iron Maiden” streaked across its flank in dull red and white paint. It pivoted to the right as it fired another burst and the ramp came down. A soldier stood there yelling something inaudible above the noise. The four soldiers rushed into the vehicle, Erickson stretched his hand out and the man pulled him in. As the ramp shut behind him, Erickson caught his breath.
“Who. Who the hell rescues the cavalry?”
“Cav Scouts Sergeant!” Sergeant Erik Carpenter said, smiling.

Lieutenant Archer yelled into his microphone, “Summers! Get us outta here!”
“Get some!” Smith yelled as she took out a cluster of horses and men that were in the treeline. The short barrage stopped and things went quiet outside the M3s as the Polish troopers went to ground. The chatter of the M3’s cannons continued as they shot three round bursts out into the woods. Summers brought the vehicle about as rounds pinged off of the armor. Both M3s pivoted quickly and were heading in the opposite direction towards Lask as another short bombardment opened up.

40 minutes later
Near Lask, Poland
“Yes, 4-12 reports heavy resistance near Pabiance. We’ve been pushed back to Lask. I have no idea how they found the rounds for their mortars. Casualties? I don’t know. So far, light I guess. They are a bit disorganized since the bombardment split their units up.” Archer sat on top of the cupola looking over his map. The updates headed were looking good, at the moment: 4-12 still had not found a route into Lodz; 2nd Brigade had resisted an attack an hour earlier by the now known Polish 10th Tank Division; and the 256th Brigade was deployted to Ozarkow to support a move in either direction towards Lodz. AS long as the forces to the west stayed in place, things could go well for the Americans… If the fuel held out.

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PostPosted: 25 Aug 2006 08:56 
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10 July 2000
Lask, Poland
0900 Hours
“When can we expect to move out Lieutenant?” Smith asked.
“As soon as the battalion from the 256th gets here and settled in.” Archer replied.
“When will that be?”

“Sarge? What did you do before the war?” Corporal Stone asked while the scout team lounged next to the vehicles.
“I wish I could remember,” Carpenter said chuckling, “I was a used car salesman, back home in Oklahoma.” The members of the team laughed and it died down as memories of home came to each of them.
Stone spoke up, “C’mon Sergeant, for real, what did ya do?”
“I’m telling you I sold used cars! Would I lie to you?”
“You would if you were a used car salesman!” Summers interjected, walking into the group. Everyone laughed even harder this time, it helped relieve the stress and tension.
“Takes one to know one.” PFC Gregory Fillmore said as he reassembled his M60.
“What would you know… Admin?” Summers said.
“More than a Motorhead!” Fillmore said, slapping the feed cover down into place.
“Yeah, remember that when you need that ride outta the frying pan.” Summers replied.
“I will.” Fillmore said, sticking his tongue out at Summers.

“So what have they told us L.T.?” Ayers asked as Archer finished his After Action Report from Pabiance.
“Well we know what happened to 4-12 and us. And the enemy is beginning to pop up and probe our positions all over the axis of advance.”
“Sounds rough.”
Arhcer pulled out his map, which was now covered in different colored scribbles as he had marked the map heavily. A lesson learned after the nuke exchange; attacks could get so chaotic that no one could have a real idea what was going on until the battle was already over. So everyone tracked all movements, friendly and otherwise on their maps.
“3-11 has detached from the 1st Brigade and are making their way towards the northern Lodz area from Kutno, but they are already bogging down in the enemy defenses. I have to report for a briefing tomorrow afternoon, the division commander has a plan, and we’re going to find out exactly what it is tommorow.”
“So what then?”
“We wait.”

11 July 2000
Lask, Poland
1530 Hours
“The General has plans gentlemen,” Lieutenant Colonel Feldman said as he looked at the assembled staff and officers, “we have learned from the 3rd German Army that a massive offensive has taken place up and down the entire theatre, even the 1st Polish Tank Army is getting uppity and causing trouble especially with our rearguard units. The 22nd Cavalry Army is now behind us at Torun, and to be honest, everything is going to shit.” A loud murmur erupted from the gathered men.
“GENTLEMEN! The General intends to get us out of this. He outlined a plan earlier where we will push through Lodz, Piotorkow, and Radom and then drive north and link up with out boys in the Baltics. The entire division is spending the next two days shifting for the attack, which will go down on the 14th.”
“Our job, is to continues up the Lask-Pabiance road with help of the entire 256th Brigade, and break through the 11st Polish Border Guard Brigade, it should be easy with those tanks backing us up. Then we’ll continue on to Lodz. We’ll see what happens after that. Gentlemen, we cannot afford to lose this one. We’ve effectively been cut off. I’ll turn you over for the staff reports now.”

“Son of a bitch!” Ayers said. “I’ve heard shit on the radio, but nothing this bad.”
“Well, the Soviets and Polish moved all these units which we believed where in the Lublin and deep Byelorussia areas and had them move into attacking positions with no warning or signs whatsoever.” Archer replied.
“This is great sir.”
“I know, we need to make the best of it, see if you can wrangle us some more alcohol and twenty mike-mikes.”
“I’ll get on it.”

“Have you heard?” Summers asked Smith.
“Heard what?” Smith replied questioningly.
“Well we’re practically surrounded. The German 3rd has been pushed back and no we’re cut off.”
“Like I haven’t been listening to the radio with Sergeant Ayers all day.”
“What the hell do we do now though? I mean we’re cut off!”
“Someone will come up with a plan, don’t worry. We survived the exchange and multiple offensives and operations, we’ll make it through this one.”

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PostPosted: 25 Aug 2006 08:59 
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Damnit... Double posted again!

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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2007 23:50 
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I'll be having an update soon. I need to rework some old parts (I'm constantly revising) and I've written a lot past my last post on paper... I just need to type it out and give it another revision. I've almost wrapped the story up and I'm almost ready to take it to the masses on Armchair General to do it "interactive" as one member there suggested..

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PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007 08:43 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Why not do it 'interactive' here on WOTG? I would love to do a Twilight 2000 style RP myself. :bs

Start up the RP here and I will jump in, then advertise the RP elsewhere for players. :AH

And I look forward to an update.

Of course if you did start the RP, I would HAVE to have an 8541 MOS. :w

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007 16:30 
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It would be along the lines of an RP almost, though mainly in choosing what actions and such the characters can take. An interactive movie so to speak. Since T2K is so open as to where the characters can go I'll limit it down to a few options based on rumors the characters would know about and then stop the action to let the people have a say. Though an RP could work though we'd need a sense of direction, and someone to play all the main characters.

I am actually thinking of working some Marines in according to the fluff I believe the 2nd Marine Division is in Eastern Europe....

Interesting ideas... I'll see where I want to take it. Probably towards Krakow.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007 16:51 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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IIRC, the Second was attached to Third Corps in Twilight, but it has been so long since I RPed Twilight so I may be wrong on that point.

Sounds interesting bud, maybe combine the two. have the options and then have the character RP it out, their choice that is. :bs

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Chapter Three
PostPosted: 24 Mar 2007 22:54 
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Chapter Three
14 July, 2000
2Km east of Lask, Poland
0812 Hours
The drive up the Lask-Pabiance highway had been esay, earlier in the mornin they had knocked out a few forward positions that lined the highway. But now they had taken some casualties as they moved on. Lieutenant Archer moved around in his seat. So far they were faring the best, the 256th Brigade had made the most gains and encountered the least resistance. A bad omen. 1st and 2nd Brigades pushes had both stalled allready. It was their turn and Archer could feel it.
"B Troop reports resistance encountered northeast of Pabiance, C Troop still continuing, no resistance." The radio crackled.
"Summers take it easy, my spidy senses are tingling." Archer said over the intercom with a chuckle. The knot in his gut grew tighter. He took a peek through his vision blocks and could see the cavlary troopers riding along with his M3s. It seemed like something out of the pulp sci-fi novels and comics he had read as a kid. An RPG suddenly streaked out in front of Ayer's M3. "Contact FRONT!" Archer yelled in his mic. Archer was jerked in his seat as Summers pulled a tight turn.

SFC Erickson spurred his horse on into some trees to the left of the road. Other troopers followed but some were cut down as RPK machineguns opened up on them, killing a few horses and men. Erickson grabbed a LAW from his saddle and sent the horse off with his handler. Having one man in four watch the hourses was no way to fight a modern war.

"Moderate resistance encountered in front of Pabiance. Infantry, dug-in." Another RPG streaked by and impacted in a stand of trees, "Summers! Get into some defilade!"
"Yes sir!" The sound of Ayer's M3 letting loose with a three round burst was evident above the noise. A mortar round exploded near them, followed by another.
"They've got this area zeroed!"

Erickson threw himsel onto the ground and fired a few rounds at the muzzle flashes in the trees. They were caught in a killing field. He heard the scream of falling mortar shells and knew that it was going to get much worse.

"God damn it!" Ayers cried as Contreras drew his vehicle back around, "We've got no f***ing choice! Damn the RPGs, if we don't break through this area, those troopers are dead!"

Archer watched as Ayer's vehicle lurched forward and towards the enemy, "What the hell is he doing?" he asked himself out loud.

"Hiram lay fire on their heads!" Ayers yelled as the 25mm gun opened up and tore divots in the ground around the enemy. It was committed now.
"Sarge!" Erickson's radioman called out. "Eltee says he's got mortars coming our way!"
"They better hurry the hell up!" Erickson replied. A bullet hit a trooper struggling to crawl forward nearby and he collapsed, motionless. Erickson rolled over and prayed to whoever was listening.

45 minutes later
3.5Km northeast of Lask, Poland

The 256th Brigade had encountered stiff resistance outside of Lask, some elements had outrun others. The elements of the brigade paused before Pabiance. Lieutenant Arhcer consulted his map while he stretched his legs. He could hear gunfire from the northeast as the scout elements probed around the enemy lines around Pabiance. He took a drink from his canteen to moisten his mouth. He ate a handfull of tail mix from an MRE and took another swig. A few artillery rounds whooshed overhead and impacted north of him. He patted the flank of his M3 and felt the gouges and punctures that were the results of bullet impacts.
"Sir!" Corporal Smith said out of the hatch. "We're getting ready to move."
"I'll be rig-" A wailing sound punctuated by an explosion cut him off. He turned and almost froze in fear as he watched a platoon of T-72 tanks burst out of the woods nearby. "Shit." He said as another shell hit a small farmhouse nearby.
"Pull in the OP's! Let's go!" Ayers yelled out his hatch as his M3 began to move and its TOW launcher fell into its launch position. Archer climbed the M3 as PFC Morris and Sergeant Carpenter threw off the camouflage netting from the M3. Another shell streaked by.
"Where the f*** did they come from?" Smith cried as she traversed the turret. Arhcer closed the hatch and began to wonder himself. T-72s... here. Someone in Intel made a big mistake, or the Soviets got sneakier over the last few years. Another shell screamed by and exploded behind the Bradley. "I got 'em!" Smith yelled, asking for permission to fire one of the precious TOW missiles.
"Go for it!" Archer said into his mic. A roar followed as Smith fired the missile and guided it in to its target. The T-72 realised what was coming and began to reverse. Archer realised it had no reactive armor plating, a sure kill in the right spot. Smith kept directing the missile which finally impacted at the turret ring. The shaped charge melted through the thin armor and sprayed molten metal all over the gunner who died screaming. The commander's legs were pocked-marked with spall, which also hit the open magazine rack as the autoloader retrieved another round. The explosion ripped the turret from the tank. It continued rolling back slowly until it hit a tree and started to push it over.
"Tip your hat to the Tiger." Archer said to himself when he remembered his reading about the German Tiger exploding turrets off of T-34s. A TOW missile glancing off the glacis plate of a T-72 confirmed the M3 was no Tiger tank. "Roll us behind that barn." Arche said. The infantry had broken and retreated back towards a nearby village. BMPs began to roll out of the trees where the T-72s had come from. "Goddamn!" Archer exclaimed. A whole mechanized unit with vehicles, a screw up indeed. "Let's hold 'em off until the infantry can get settled to take them. Archer though about what he said, the 256th was short on everything, especially tanks and other AFVs, they were some of the last and they belonged to the 12th Cavalry. The infantry couldn't hold out long against tanks.

Sergeant Ayers was reversing his M3 down a gentle ditch and was attempting to get on the other side of the road and get some cover for his Bradley. He peered through his vision blocks and could see Archer moving behind a barn to ambush the first vehicle that came around the corner. Machineguns rattled as they infantry began to setup behind the road embankment. He could just make out the shape of a Dragon anti-tank missile launcher. Not much good against the T-72s but they'd ace a few BMPs. But he sighed. They were probably only carrying maybe five rounds. Shitty way to fight a war. He thought to himself. The 25mm gun rattled as Sergeant Hiram fired a burst at a BMP disgorging troops. His "yes" over the intercom signified a kill.

A T-72 came around the corner of the barn and Smith let loose another TOW which impacted the turret. The tank reversed and left. "Summers let's get out of here!" The Bradley pivoted and surged forward back to the enbankment as Ayer's M3 fired a TOW that streaked by. Archer knew this was a lost battle and the infantry commander knew it as well.
"Maiden 1, Redguard 2-9, we need to get out, they've got us outnumbered, over."
"Redguard, I agree, over." Archer replied. With enough anti-tank munitions they could win, almost easily, but not with one loaded TOW and five Dragons against two T-72s and four BMPs.
"Should we pull out?" his counterpart asked. What was his name? Ayers wondered, he only met him fifteen minutes ago. Iron Maiden rolled over the enbankment and began to turn around.
"Stop." The vehicle stopped turning and shuddred at idle. "Sergeant get your men in here, we can't win." he sighed. Helluva way to fight a war.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 25 Mar 2007 10:54 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Damn good update. How close was that T-72? IIRC a TOW has a minimum range of a couple of hundred yards before it will arm itself.

Cheers, Þórgrímr

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 25 Mar 2007 15:43 
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Hrrrp... Forgot that aspect of it.... Was more worried about max range... hmm I'll research it and then adjust fire as necessary!

EDIT: According to FM 7-7J Appendix B 65m Minimum ... j/Appb.htm

That a lot of Info about Bradleys that would have been helpful at the *beginning* of the god damn story. (Cookie if you catch the reference)

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