Axner wrote:
Sounds good to me!
I'll be looking forward to seeing that.. one day.

lol I can't wait personally.

Lol, Axner, you and me both! Haegan and I have been working on and off, around our schedules, ever since Mav took over the testing for DSA. His doing of that has allowed me to concentrate on this project.
BTW, this is going to be for Beyond the Stars! base game. DSA is just the introductory game in the series.
So this program will use ALL rules from the BTS! Full game. And right now the design doc stands at 400 pages in a word doc.

So if you like detail and science in your sci fi, BTS! will have it.

But do not let that scare you off. My design philosophy is to put as much of the onus of the details onto the GM's shoulders, and let the players get on with the game.
What I mean by this is that the details are there, if the player wishes to view the data, but it is not necessary. And all of the numbers crunching and math will be handled by the program. This is why Haegan and I both came to the conclusion we needed to move onto a full program to support BTS! No sane GM would ever run a game of more than one star system!
There was just too much for him to handle.
As an example, below is part of the formula to determine the Zones in a star system:
lux:=star luminosity+Sum of(companion_luminosity/(sqrt(companion_dist/10)))
note: the distance between the companions of the primary star
is considered equal to the sum of the distance of
companions to primary star.
lux : effective luminosity of the star(s)
Inner zone limit: 0 to 8.2*sqrt(lux) in AU
Life zone limit: 8.2*sqrt(lux) to 12*sqrt(lux)
Outer zone limit: 12*sqrt(lux) to the end of stellar system
Cheers, Thor