The World of The Gunny

The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: Character Sheets
PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:10 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Ok, gents what i suggest as characters for any group, is at least one medic, one scout, and one diplomat. As Outdoorsman and speech will be very important. As one little hint, not everything in the campaign is going to be killable by the characters.
You will start out at 2nd level with some predetermined gear when your characters are accepted, and depending on what character archtype you are.
So lets get those characters submitted.

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PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:17 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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The next couple of posts will have some characters posted on the old PnP site.

25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Teiresias Age: 19 Gender: Male
Level: 02 Exp: 1,050 Next Level: 2,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05
Perception: 05
Endurance: 06
Charisma: 09
Intelligence: 09
Agility: 06
Luck: 07
Hit Points: 044/032
Sequence: 05
Armor Class: 006
Healing Rate: 02
Action Points: 08
Critical Chance: 007%
Melee Damage: 01
Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Damage Res.: 000%
Radiation Res.: 012%
Poison Res.: 030%

::: Traits :::
Good Natured

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 009%
Big Guns ....... -008%
Energy Weapons . -008%
Unarmed ........ 032%
Melee Weapons .. 042%
Throwing ....... 004%
First aid ...... 033%
Doctor ......... 024%
Sneak .......... 013%
Lockpick ....... 011%
Steal .......... 008%
Traps .......... 011%
Science ........ 046%
Repair ......... 017%
Speech ......... 070%
Barter ......... 041%
Gambling ....... 025%
Outdoorsman .... 020%

1x backpack (5 pounds)
1x Sleeping Bag (5 pounds)
5x Food Ration (2.5 pounds)
2x T-Shirt (1 pound)
2x Pants (1 pound)
275x Bottle Caps
5x Stimpacks (1 pound)
2x canteen (6 pounds [filled])
1x Louisville Slugger (4 pounds)
1x Spiked Knuckles (1 pound)
1x “Teiresias” (Combat Knife w/ sheath) (2 pounds)
1x fanny pack (2 pounds)
5x flare (5 pounds)
2x butane lighter (1 pound)
5x Gamma Gulp Beer (5 pounds)
Total weight: 41.5
In backpack: 1x sleeping bag, 5x food ration, 1x t-shirt, 1x pants, 5x flare, 2x butane lighter, Lousville Slugger (located on right side of backpack, with end sticking out, straight up)
In fanny pack: 10x stimpacks, 2x canteen, 5x food ration, 275 bottle caps, 5x gamma gulp beer, spiked knuckles
In left hand: Nothing
In right hand: “Teiresias” (sheathed)
I’m also wearing the leather jacket.

Teiresias is the grandson of Mrs. Sappleton, the librarian of the Hub. His name is said to come from an ancient literature, and originates from a language that is no longer in existence. His family left the Hub before he was born, right after the super mutants attacked the metropolis. His father didn’t survive the trip, however. During a raider attack, he was killed. Teiresias, his mother, and a few others were the only ones that made it to a somewhat safe refuge, the town of Gecko. It was here where Teiresias was born and lived for the first nine years of his life. Here, he was taught by the old ghouls. He was especially fond of Harold, who was like an idol to the little man. He learned from the knowledgeable mayor of the town valuable leadership skills. However, the ghouls were even limited on their knowledge of the past, and as time went on, Teiresias grew bored of the town. At the same time, growing tensions between Vault City and Gecko became evident, which worried the boy’s mother. She decided then it would be best for them to venture to another town. Unfortunately, she did not make a wise choice, as she chose New Reno to be their new home.

It did not take Teiresias long to learn the new rules of the mob city. By the age of eleven, he had already become close with the Mordino family. Part of this had to do with Lil’ Jesus Mordino being only a few years older than the lad. Lil’ Jesus became Teiresias’ new idol. Just before Teiresias turned twelve, though, tragedy struck. His mother, with no way to keep her child away from the mob or support them, was forced to the porn industry. Unfortunately for her, she caught a fatal STD and died. Teiresias moved in with the Mordino family at this point. Big Jesus welcomed him with open arms, glad to have a new son. Suspicion ran around town that Big Jesus was behind the death of Teiresias’ mother, but this was never proven.

Over the years, Lil’ Jesus taught Teiresias the ways of melee combat. The two even had matching combat knives, each with their respective names carved into the handles. By the age of fifteen, though, Teiresias became more interested in the ways of science rather than combat. As a result, he became Myron’s assistant. He learned the ways of science from Myron, and even began the development of a new drug. Rumors circulated about the drug, but it was never finished.

At age sixteen, Teiresias was a very well-known man. Everyone knew him, but very few trusted him as he grew older. Not only had he become known as part of a mob family, but he also had a very sly tongue. Unlike any other mobster, he had connections with all mob families in New Reno at one time or another. Most of them figured he was just an orphan that couldn’t use a gun, so what harm could he do? However, this proved to be a huge mistake. One time, he had almost started a war between the Salvatores and Bishops. He did this by convincing Bishop that Salvatore was having a secret affair with his wife. At the same time, he got Salvatore to believe that Bishop was plotting against him. He made Salvatore worry that the Bishops had killed the Wright’s son and were trying to frame them. He then told Salvatore the only way to avoid fighting both families was to take out Bishop before they could convince the Wrights to side with them. Teiresias became renowned for such stunts, which he did just to amuse himself. To say the least, it was amazing he wasn’t killed many times already. By the time Teiresias turned eighteen, nobody trusted him. He always was said to have a secret agenda of his own, or one that would benefit the Mordino family. Most of the time, though, he was just trying to entertain himself, and would always marvel at his genius when one of his schemes would work, which seemed to happen very often.

A few months before his nineteenth birthday, Teiresias was informed by several people that there was a bounty on his head. He had created a lot of enemies in his young life. At the advice of Big Jesus Mordino, Teiresias decided it would be best to skip town. He left New Reno on his nineteenth birthday with hopes to return years later to live with his family once again. Hopefully by then most would have forgotten about him. Then, he wouldn’t have to constantly look over his shoulder, wondering if one of the victims of his plots was out for revenge.

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PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:45 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Buffy Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 02 Exp: 1,075 Next Level: 3,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 07 Hit Points: 044/032 Sequence: 07
Perception: 07 Armor Class: 010 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 05 Action Points: 10 Critical Chance: 006%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 200 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 10 Radiation Res.: 010%
Luck: 06 Poison Res.: 025%

::: Traits :::
Sex Appeal

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 100% (tag!)
Big Guns ....... 010%
Energy Weapons . 010%
Unarmed ........ 014%
Melee Weapons .. 044%
Throwing ....... 010%
First aid ...... 018%
Doctor ......... 009%
Sneak .......... 025%
Lockpick ....... 017%
Steal .......... 020%
Traps .......... 017%
Science ........ 018%
Repair ......... 011%
Speech ......... 045% (tag!)
Barter ......... 010%
Gambling ....... 010%
Outdoorsman .... 056% (tag!)

::: Inventory :::
1x M82 Barret Sniper Rifle (loaded, 30 Pounds)
1x Colt .45 M1911A1 Pistol (4 Pounds)
50x .50 BMG (12 Pounds)
78x .45 Caliber (3 Pounds)
4x .50 10 Round Box Magazine (20 Pounds)
3x .45 7 Round Clip (1.5 Pounds)
2x BMG Magazine Pouch (.5 Pounds)
2x .45 Magazine Pouch (.5 Pounds)
1x Cartridge Belt (1 Pound)
1x Louisville Slugger (4 Pounds)
172x Bottle Caps
5x Stimpack (1 Pound)
4x Canteen (12 Pounds [filled])
9x Food Ration (4.5 Pounds)
1x Sleeping Bag (5 Pounds)
1x Lantern (2 Pounds)
1x Backpack (5 Pounds)
1x Fanny Pack (2 Pounds)
1x Swiss Army Knife (.5 Pounds)
2x Jumpsuit (2 Pounds)
1x Trenchcoat (1 Pound)
2x T-Shirt (1 Pound
1x Zippo Lighter (1 Pound)
1x 3 Ounce Can of Lighter Fluid (.5 Pounds)
1x Rope (10 Pounds)
1x Holster (.5 Pounds)
1x Pair of Combat Boots (5 Pounds)

In the backpack I have - 1x Sleeping Bag, 9x Food Ration, 1x Lantern, 1x 3 ounc can of lighter fluid, 2x T-Shirt, 1x Jumpsuit
In Fanny pack I have - 172x Bottle Caps, 5x Stimpacks, , 1x Lighter, 50x .50 BMG Rounds, 72x .45 Caliber Rounds.
On the Catridge Belt, I have - 1x Holster, 2x BMG Magazine Pouch, 2x .45 Magazine Pouch, 1x Rope, 4x canteen.
In the Holster, I have 1x Colt .45 M1911A1 Pistol, loaded.
In the 2x BMG Magazine Pouch I have - 2x .50 10 Round Box Magazine, in each.
In the 2x .45 Magazine Pouch, I have - 2x .45 7 Round Clip in one, and 1x .45 7 Round Clip in the other.
In my hand(s), I have the Louisville Slugger, using it as a walking Stick.
Slung on my side, I have my M82 Barret Sniper Rifle
In my pocket I have - 1x Swiss Army Knife.
I'm wearing - 1x Jumpsuit, 1x Trenchcoat, 1x Pair of Combat Boots.

Total Weight: 129.5 lbs.

Background Biography-

Buffy Micnit was... "different". She wasn't like the other tribal girls who were cooking, sewing, and setting up tents, more of a Tomboy, but since she was exceptionally attractive, this caused many people to underestimate her. She has a strong brunette, with brown eyes, and just like her mother, a figure of a god, so she’s told. Ever since the age of 6, Buffy was out hunting with her father, Thor Micnit, who was the head of the hunting party of the Agua Caliente village, her first weapon was a sling made out of Brahmin leather, which her father helped her make. She used to pick up pebbles off the ground and sling them at wolves with deadly accuracy, alerting the wolves… which aggravated her father and the rest of the hunting party also. But this happened very rarely, considering they hardly ever got into range for her to use her sling, since her father usually just killed the wolves from 2,000 meters away, with his M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle, which was pretty much the village’s most valuable asset. Buffy learned how to hunt, skin, shoot, everything that her father knew how to do, she did too. At the age of 11, she received her first weapon, the Colt .45, which her father had collected from the spoils of a raider attack that they won without any casualties. She quickly learned how to use it with the help of her father’s expertise, and she was then at the age of 11, the tribes 3rd most valuable hunter, next to her father and Big Blake Kilgour. Her father loved her with all his heart; he would do anything for his special little girl, considering she was his only family. His wife, Buffy’s mother passed away at birth, due to a C-Section, in which she died of loss of blood. It was tough at the village, most of the time, food and water were scarce. So it helped to have good outdoorsmanship, which her father helped her with. At the age of 14, Buffy finally learned how to use the famed M82 Barrett… It was unbelievable how good she was with it, considering her age, which pissed her off because she was judged by her age, not her skill. At the age of 15, her father passed away, she was all alone now. With her father’s inherited goods, she was not one to piss off at this moment in her life. Her father had died of radiation poisoning, which he got from contaminated well water. Buffy didn’t do much until she was 16 and finally accepted her father’s death. With her M82 Barrett, she would go out with hunting parties and amaze people with her deadly accuracy, and that’s how she got enough Gecko pelts to make her sleeping bag with. Buffy had been offered the head of the hunting party position, like her father had obtained, but she refused. She liked hunting, but she didn’t want to have it as her “job” per say. The main reason the Elder offered it to her was because of her famed Barrett, which had been in her family ever since the tribe looted a Vault, about 100 years ago. She had one main friend in the village of Agua Caliente, Big Blake Kilgour, which she knew from her hunting days. Blake was different from everyone in the tribe; he was a mutant, who actually wasn’t brain-dead. Blake was gentle, even though his size doesn’t allow it, physically, but his accent was scary, but Buffy thought it was charming and unique. They took to each other fast, going on two man (woman) hunting outings, which let them get to know each other. Eventually, they both shared a tent; being the each other’s family… they were lonely.

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PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:47 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
26 July 2241 1056 hours

Name:Bishop Greene Age:23Gender: Male
Level: 03 Exp: 2,500 Next Level: 3,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 07 Hit Points: 057/057 Sequence: 16
Perception: 08 Armor Class: 08 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 07 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 200 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 014%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 035%


::: Traits :::
::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 059%
Big Guns ....... 006%
Energy Weapons . 006%
Unarmed ........ 030%
Melee Weapons .. 060%
Throwing ....... 022%
First aid ...... 020%
Doctor ......... 010%
Sneak .......... 019%
Lockpick ....... 010%
Steal .......... 006%
Traps .......... 016%
Science ........ 018%
Repair ......... 075%
Speech ......... 005%
Barter ......... 010%
Gambling ....... 005%
Outdoorsman .... 050%

::: Inventory :::
1xdesert camo fatigue set
1xBoonie Hat(same camo sceme)
1xPair of boots
1xColt 1911a1 .45 (loaded, 1 in pipe. 9/magazine)
100x.45 caliber ammunition
1xScopped hunting Rifle w/sling (loaded 1/breech 20/magazine)
100x7.62 NATO ammunition
1xCartridge Belt
1xPistol Magazine Pouch
1xRifle Magazine Pouch
3x20 Round Rifle Magazine(in pouch)
2x9 Round Pistol Magazine(in pouch)
5xField Dressing
1xMulti Tool
1xWeapon repair and cleaning Kit
1xArmorers Kit
1xLousville Slugger with wire loop wrapped around handle.
1xFuel cell converter

:::loadout:::(13 spaces) (total weight: 137.5/200 lbs)

Rifle in hands (11 lbs)

(5) (60.5 lbs)
Backpack- (15space)
1xRope(1) (10 lbs)
1xWeapon Repair and Cleaning Kit(2) (15 lbs)
2xArmorers Kit(2) (15 lbs)
5xFlare(1) (5 lbs)
5xField Dressing(1) (1lbs)
19x7.62 NATO loose rounds (5 lbs for all ammo in pack)
69x.45 Loose rounds(1 space for ammo)
3xEmpty .45 round casings/3 7.62mm Casing
3x5.56mm ammo
2xDust wrap/shelter half(1) (1 lbs)
2xfatigue sets (2) (2 lbs)
2xboonie hat(1) (1 lbs)
1xfolding Shovel(2) (5 lbs)
1xfuel cell converter

(5 lbs for food+bat)
Bat hung on outside (2) (4 lbs)
1xfood ration in pocket (1) (1 lbs)

(3) (27 lbs)
Catridge Belt-(10)
1xPistol Magazine Pouch(1) (2 lbs)
2xPistol Magazines In Pouch
1xColt 1911a1 .45 Pistol In Holster (4 lbs)
1xRifle Magazine Pouch(1) (2 lbs)
3xRifle Magazines In Pouch
6xCanteen(6) (18 lbs)
1xKnife in sheath (1 lbs)

(2) (9 lbs)
FannyPack- (5)
5xStimpack(1) (5 lbs)
4xfood ration(4) (4 lbs)

Rifle Held in hands, Lousville Slugger bat is hung on the backpack threw a piece of wire that is tied around the handle.
Holster is attached to belt but low enough to be drawn quickly. Rifle can be slung over shoulder if needed.

Bishop was born the in the small mining town of quartz near the what was once the colorado river. His mother was to put it gently a prostitute in service of the local brothel, leaving the father of the child a mystery.The women of the brothel cared for the youngster as he grew till his mother fell ill with a disease when he was 12.After the funeral bishop left the brothel and quartz forever with just the clothes on his back, he joined a caravan that was headed to the capitol of the new californa republic.

When he arrived Bishop found work in a local shop repairing and working on weaponry and other equipment. When he reached the age of 17 he left his employment decided to return to Quartz to visit his mothers grave. Along the way he met a group of travellers on their way to a city he had never heard of.In return for what little provisions he had left the travellers brought him with them on their journey. Several days later they arrived at Darwin City. Almost immediatly they where arrested and interogated as to how they had found the city and what their true purpose was. The men he had been travelling with had come to trade for weapons. Having no answer of his own Bishop volunteered to work as a repairer in the local shops.Working with the weaponry at the city and training with it Bishop soon applyed to the local police force at the age of 18.Upon his admission to the force Bishop began training with all manners of small arms, and began working with the police armorer on repair matters.By the age of 22 Bishop was an experianced guard and had been assigned to guard the few caravans that left Darwin City.

The last trip he took did not end well. Miles woke up with a groan, his entire body ached sitting up he remmbered what had happened. The caravan had been attacked by a small group of monsters.Huge creatures at least 8 feet tall with heavy weaponry had assualted the other guards. Miles had seen his friends torn to shreds from the assualt when a rocket went off nearby on the other side of the wagon. The wagon thankfully shielded him from the shrapnel but the concussion knocked him on his ass his head had hit a rock as he fell knocking him unconcious. bishop was sure he had a concussion but didnt feel like he was bleeding. He buried what remained of his friends and gathered the little equipment that remained including his faithfull weapon

.Bishop reached shady sands four days later, weak from his journey without food and little water he collapsed, He awoke in the local hospital days later. After months of rest and work at his old shop. Bishop left the city to wander the wastes...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:50 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Name: Blake Kilgour Age: 55 Gender: Male Race: Mutant
Level: 02 Exp: 1000 Next Level: 2,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 12 Hit Points: 051/051 Sequence: 10
Perception: 05 Armor Class: 006 Healing Rate: 03
Endurance: 10 Action Points: 06 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 07 Carry Weight: 275 lbs.
Intelligence: 06 Damage Res.: 025%
Agility: 06 Radiation Res.: 070%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 070%

::: Traits :::

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 019%
Big Guns ....... 065%
Energy Weapons . 002%
Unarmed ........ 009%
Melee Weapons .. 062%
Throwing ....... 054%
First aid ...... 012%
Doctor ......... 006%
Sneak .......... 013%
Lockpick ....... 011%
Steal .......... 008%
Traps .......... 011%
Science ........ 014%
Repair ......... 008%
Speech ......... 015%
Barter ......... 010%
Gambling ....... 015%
Outdoorsman .... 022%

::: Inventory :::

[Mutant Sized Cartridge Belt]
5 Stimpacks
Zippo Lighter
5 x Beef Jerky
Mutant Sized Water Flask
1 Voodoo
1 Antidote

Mutant Sized Lead Pipe (walking stick)
M2HB Heavy Machinegun (Sheila) – Slung over shoulder
300 .50 BMG - Wrapped around torso

[Modified Hiking backpack (bigger straps)]
10x Beef Jerky
Mutant Sized Swag (rolls up into a cylinder)
Skinning knife (too dull and rusty to be used as a weapon)
Dented cooking pot
2 Mutant sized shirts (made from bits of cloth sewn together)
2 Extremely large canvas trousers
Gecko Hide moccasins with rubber soles sewn on.
Large Slouch Hat
Billy Can
2 Flares


When the Nuclear Holocaust came, it happened that a young Australian man and his wife were some of the lucky few that had decided to shell out their hard earned money for two tickets, after long discussions with the friendly man in their local Vault-Tec office. After emigrating from their homeland in the face of a crippling depression and a bleak future, Mack and Anna Kilgour found themselves in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Mack personally thought the motto was bullshit, and that the Yanks were a bunch of pretentious wankers, but it beat the hell out of staying in a country where ten million dollars bought you a weeks shopping. And so they got their Green Cards, and crossed the vast Pacific Ocean to make a new life for themselves.

Unfortunately, their timing was really shithouse, as Mack would later describe it. “Annie” he said to his wife as news came in of the escalating conflict with China “We should have just staying in fucking Australia. The bloody Americans are going to get us all killed. Why did we come to this shithole place?”
“Don’t worry love” his wife told him “Remember, we don’t want to raise kids back home, its turned into a broken country”

But Mack was still convinced that the nuclear war was coming. And so when he heard about Vault-Tec’s underground bunker program, he decided it was a fair bet. If nothing happened, he could always sell the tickets to some other sucker. And so the Vault tickets stayed safely locked in their bedroom cupboard, along with the wedding pictures, birth certificates and other valuables.

And then the fateful day came. Every news channel in the country was filled with images of war, and riots broke out on the streets. Mack and Anna got a call from Vault-Tec amenities department, telling them that all members should make their way to their designated Vault. Through the chaos and press of human flesh, the Kilgours made the trip to their Vault.
And so when the end came, they were huddled in the main recreation area of a Vault, watching images of Nuclear fire on a large viewing screen with hundreds of frightened Vault Dwellers. As the days went past and communications with the outside world failed one by one, they became a part of the burgeoning community. Mack was a simple man, and disliked the blue suits they were forced to wear, it made him look like some kind of Olympic skating poofter, he was heard to complain.

And the days turned into months, and the months turned into years. Anna fell pregnant, and had a child. And this child later married an American families daughter, and they in turn had a child. And so Blake was born, the Australian American kid with the funny accent. He was probably one of the last Aussies left alive, his father told him repeatedly, and taught him about the Great Southern land, as Mack had told him. And Blake Kilgour grew and prospered, taking an interest in weapons training, sparring with the son of the overseer with wooden swords. He also practiced with his boomerang, a treasured heirloom of Australia, made by the Nyoongar Aborigines his Grandad had worked with as a mining prospector out in the metal rich plains in the north west.

And then one day Blake’s life changed forever. One day there was a massive explosion, and the door of the vault was breached. Enormous monsters in black armour stormed in, their skin thick and greenish. They grabbed all the young men, killed the women and raped the Vault of all its resources. Blake and his fellow Vault Dwellers were rounded up and driven by the merciless giants south through the great wastelands, to ‘the base’, as his captors called it as they taunted him with their gravelly deep voices. They told him that he was to be ‘dipped’, and that the Master was his boss now. He heard one of the commanders say to another mutant that “the humies are too fucking polluted out in the wastelands, the master wants fresh meat..” When he was caught listening in, the mutant commander beat him severely, his enormous strength leaving Blake close to dead.

And then they reached their destination, and were marched down to the bowels of the earth, where huge bubbling vats of green liquid sat smoking in an enormous room. Blake never saw what happened to the men he had grown up with, but he was promptly wrapped in a cloth sack, tied to a chain and after that, his memory went blank. After that all he remembered was pain, writhing in unspeakable agony on the floor of a small dirty cell as his insides boiled and his bones and muscles writhed. He felt as if he was being torn apart, as if his body was destroying himself. Eventually he woke up, and the pain was gone. He saw his reflection in a puddle of rank water, and what he saw terrified him. Fucking hell, he was green!!!. His face was a huge primitive looking mask, with low forehead, and huge jaw. His skin was so thick that when he tried to kill himself, the shard of glass would not even make a scratch on his wrist. His voice was now deep and rumbling, and when he bellowed with anguish and rage, it echoed throughout his solitary prison like thunder. When he tried to stand, his head bumped against the roof. He measured himself against the wall, and found that he was now eight feet tall…what the fuck was he?

And then it dawned on him… he was one of them. He had been turned into one of the cruel monsters that had captured him and killed his people. He was like some guy he had seen in his mate’s comic book, a normal bloke who turned into a massive green monster with super human strength. “I reckon if I’m the Hulk, I must be able to rip shit apart with my bare hands..” he muttered to himself.

And so he grabbed the metal bars on his cell, and tore them off with a massive grunt. It felt like the bars were made of wax. As he rushed down the hall, an alarm went off and a mutant guard rushed into the room wielding a huge machine gun. Blake punched him, and his fist snapped the guard’s head back with a snap. His eyes rolled up, and he fell to the floor with a broken neck. Blake stole the guard’s clothes, strapped on his belt and slung the ammo belts across his shoulders. Then he picked up the massive machinegun and threw it up and down a few times. The thing must weigh as much as he did…..had. “You are like a fat chick with a big mouth..” he mused as he stroked the barrel… “I’ll call you Sheila, like a real Aussie’s missus should!”

And so he sneaked out of the prison, mowed down the guards on the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. As he went up, a cracked speaker on the wall began to play really crappy old music, covered with a liberal layer of heavy static. Blake put his fist through the speaker, marveling at how there wasn’t even a scratch on his boulder sized green hand. Somehow he managed to escape the complex, how he managed it he would never know.

But something happened as he left that made him believe that the spirits of the dead walk amongst us. As he crawled behind a mutant tent in the encampment surrounding the complex, something dug into his side. He pulled it up into the light and was amazed to find that it was his old boomerang. Some mutant must have thrown it for fun, and then forgotten about it. “Thanks Dad….now I know you’re watching over me, like you used to when I was a little tacker asleep in my bed…”

After his great escape, Blake drifted from town to town, and learned what the world had become since the nuclear fire. He learned about Raiders and Mutants, Ghouls and Slavers and basically how much life sucked. But he was well equipped for life in the wasteland. Rad Scorpions bit him and all he got was a headache, some paranoid guy tried to gut him with an old fire axe and it bounced off. He was extremely strong and extremely tough, and best of all he found out from other mutants that he was lucky to have kept his intelligence. “Must be because you was one of them Vault folks” and ancient mutant told him. “You got a good adaptation…me?, I used to be a fucking chemistry teacher, and now I can’t even make a Stim pack…I’m a dumb fuck”

Blake was never a great genius, just a simple guy with a larrikin attitude and an accent that seemed to make people trust him. Now he was an eight foot tall simple guy with an accent and a voice that could scare away Rad Scorpions. Yeah….a simple guy who can lift a car and throw it, he thought to himself one day while he trekked across the wastelands.
Eventually he settled down in a small hicktown village, deciding that the community life reminded him of home. He developed some human friends, for the villagers didn't seem to be as predjudiced as in most places. He especially liked Buffy, a girl he had known since she had been born shortly after he arrived. She was a clutz, and often got him into tight spots, but he had a soft spot for her none the less. Due to his toughness and resilience to the dangers of the waste, he became a successful hunter for the tribe.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 24 May 2005 15:53 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Name: Gunnery Sergeant Dickinson USMC (Gunny)
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Level: 36
Exp: 819,340 xp
Next Level: 850,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 6_______ Hit Points: 216 _________Sequence: 22
Perception: 10_____ Armor Class: 10 _______Healing Rate: 2
Endurance: 6_____ Action Points: 10________ Critical Chance: 8%
Charisma: 2______ Melee Damage: 02 ______Carry Weight: 175 lbs.
Intelligence: 7_____ Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 10__________ Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 8____________ Poison Res.: 30%

::: Traits :::
Small Frame

::: Perks :::
Bend The Rules
Better Criticals
Bonus HTH Attacks
Bonus HTH Damage 1 rank
Bonus Ranged Damage 1 rank
Bonus Rate of Fire
Earlier Sequence 1 rank
Gain Endurance
Gain Luck
Gain Strength
Night Vision
Silent Death
Silent Running
Swift Learner
Weapon Handling

::: Karma :::
Karma: 450

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 290%
Big Guns ....... 63%
Energy Weapons . 236%
Unarmed ........ 285%
Melee Weapons .. 140%
Throwing ....... 62%
First aid ...... 74%
Doctor ......... 17%
Sneak .......... 239%
Lockpick ....... 34%
Steal .......... 12%
Traps .......... 85%
Science ........ 79%
Repair ......... 85%
Speech ......... 15%
Barter ......... 8%
Gambling ....... 5%
Outdoorsman .... 207%

Gear See Story

Weapons See Story

Background See Story

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2005 20:07 
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Location: Florida, baby!
hehe... Gunny bettter be playing too, we could use a God character. :mrgreen:


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 20 Oct 2005 20:19 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Pip, consider him the mysterious stranger perk you all have and do not know it. :bs

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 21 Nov 2005 00:14 
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Joined: 21 Oct 2005 19:37
Posts: 9
Location: still in Iserlohn....
Here I go with my nice Lady! :bs

Name: Alice Danford
Level: 3
Experience: 3000
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 8 Hit Points: 41/41 Sequence: 8
Perception: 4 Armor Class: 15 (6 natural) Healing Rate: 1
Endurance: 5 Action Points: 8 Critical Chance: 5%
Charisma: 5 Melee Damage: 5 Carry Weight: 225 lbs.
Intelligence: 6 Damage Res.: 20%
Agility: 7 Radiation Res.: 25%
Luck: 5 Poison Res.: 10%

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 42%
Big Guns ....... 65% (tag!)
Energy Weapons . 17%
Unarmed ........ 78%
Melee Weapons .. 92% (tag!)
Throwing ....... 47%
First aid ...... 55%
Doctor ......... 40%
Sneak .......... 52%
Lockpick ....... 45%
Steal .......... 47%
Traps .......... 45%
Science ........ 57%
Repair ......... 84% (tag!)
Speech ......... 55%
Barter ......... 50%
Gambling ....... 55%
Outdoorsman .... 30%


::: Inventory :::
Leather Jacket (armor +8) 5lbs
Backpack (where her whole stuff is in) 5lbs
(in the backpack)
Sledgehammer (dmg 4-9) 12lbs (fixed at the side of the backpack)
Sleeping bag (fixed on top of the backpack) 5lbs
1 round of 7,62mm ammo AP 10lbs
1 Super tool kit 20lbs
4 Flares 4x 1lbs
fuel and flints for the lighter
1 big Sumatran cigar
4 beefy jerky
1 apple
3 bottles of Nuka Cola
1 bottle of booze
180 Bottle caps in a small bag

(in the jacket)
6 Stimpacks
2 packages of "Black death" cigarettes
1 old Zippo ligther
1 full matchbox

44 Desert Eagle 4 lbs
3 Magazines of 44 JHP ammo (one loaded) 3x 1 lbs
M 60 machine gun (dmg 18-26) including a belt for carrying 24lbs
2 rounds of 7,62mm ammo JHP (tied around herself as a belt) 2x 10lbs
Gunbelt including a holster for the 44 D.E. and magazinepockets 6 lbs

Total weight = 118lbs


Alice Danford grew up as a child in Modoc. Everything was quite nice and safe in her childhood.
Her parents (Judy Danford and Charles Danford) took her as her small angle (even if she was as big as her mother when she became 14 years old). What her parents did not know, was that she was something like the local rowdy of Modoc, who wasn´t just always an angle when she went around with the other kids..
But the living as a child of farmers or just be the strongest young lady there became very boring for Alice, so she decided to go away with the next caravan to L.A. Boneyard when she became 16 years old. And so her first big travel began to a new live to a much more interesting city that fits her more, even if her parent´s didn´t like it. They wanted to see her one day as the woman on the farm with a nice man and some children. But she gave a crap on what they said to her
After the long journey the caravan got to the Boneyard she fit in there quite fast. she began as a scrapper until the day she was asked by Smitty if she would help him with his work. She agreed and after a while she started to learn to repair many broken things and the most weapons. Alice really enjoyed the work there and decided to keep it up. Her first real gun Alice got from Smitty for her third year at his workshop. It was her M 60 that she called since that day "Betty" (Usually it was a gun from a costumer that had a need to be repaired, but he never came back) and she learned how to shoot with it in her free time at rats and other things that she found in the small area outside of the city. During this time, she fell in love with a scrapper named Cody (she met him in the workshop when he brought some old guns that really needed to see a mechanical). He was good to Alice (he always called her big bad Alice, because her attitude wasn´t typical for a woman after all and she was one head taller than Cody) the lived side by side and were happy about loved by the other one. Cody made his job as a scrapper and Alice as the mechanic and gunmaker for Smitty. Many months has gone by with this loving couple. At the evening when Cody decided to tell Alice that he wants to make her as his wife, he died outside of the walls killed by Raiders.
Alice became really depressive after the death of Cody and became really sick about still watching the city where she was glad with Cody and found her meaning in live, so that she decided to quit her job at Smitty's workshop (who was very pity about that, her help and handicraftmanskills where always useful), packed her stuff, her tools and "Betty". Smitty tried to keep her in the Boneyard, but she wanted to go. Smitty understood and gave her a little bit of ammo for her MG and his word that there will always be a place at his workshop for Alice if she ever would decide to come back.
After a long journey the caravan arrived at Redding and Alice looked for an employment as a mechanic, but there was none, so she took a job at the Morningstar mine. She was working hard down there, but stayed away from the jet. She was a hard working women, until one day she nearly where raped by a total stoned worker, but she knocked him out with the sledgehammer that she always used in the mine. She became fired and decided to turn her back on Redding when she took the next caravan away from Redding.

:::Personal Datas:::

Name: Alice
Last Name: Danford
Age: 24 years
Born: 17. 3. in Modoc
Skin: White
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond medium long (14cm / 5,5")
Length: 1,95m (6,93 feet)
Personality: Alice is a really big, rough and powerful young lady who fears nearly nothing (in her own mind).
She knows how to repair most engines and non energy weapons (for all the others she would need special tools) and how to
handle big guns and most melee weapons against others. Some might say that she is not very "Ladylike", but she does her own
thing with all consequences. Alice has got a pretty raw way to communicate with others (some would call her a raider by how
speaks), but she usual knows what for people she can trust and who she has to give counterarguments (even if its a beat with the
sledgehammer). She usually stands on the side of the law, but can be a rebel as well if she sees that the law acts like the scum
of the wastes.

If somewhere betwen two powers a pact is closed, even if it´s just a small and harmless looking one, you´ve got to ask yourself directly who will be killed.

Otto von Bismarck

Last edited by Wolf Hagen on 29 Jan 2006 11:22, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: 06 Dec 2005 23:30 
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Joined: 20 Oct 2005 00:30
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I'm not that sorry to tell you this, I tried doing it too, you can't start off at level 3!

New character, level 1.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 01 Aug 2006 17:08 
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Joined: 22 May 2005 23:18
Posts: 9
Here's the most recent file on Teiresias that I have (although 'recent' is a bloody long time ago).

25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Teiresias Age: 19 Gender: Male
Level: 03 Exp: 3,500 Next Level: 6,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05
Perception: 05
Endurance: 06
Charisma: 09
Intelligence: 09
Agility: 06
Luck: 07
Hit Points: 050/050
Sequence: 05
Armor Class: 006
Healing Rate: 02
Action Points: 08
Critical Chance: 007%
Melee Damage: 03
Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Damage Res.: 000%
Radiation Res.: 012%
Poison Res.: 030%

::: Traits :::
Good Natured

::: Perks :::
Bonus HtH Damage

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 009%
Big Guns ....... -008%
Energy Weapons . -008%
Unarmed ........ 032%
Melee Weapons .. 078%
Throwing ....... 004%
First aid ...... 033%
Doctor ......... 024%
Sneak .......... 013%
Lockpick ....... 011%
Steal .......... 008%
Traps .......... 011%
Science ........ 046%
Repair ......... 017%
Speech ......... 070%
Barter ......... 041%
Gambling ....... 025%
Outdoorsman .... 020%

2 rats

1x backpack (5 pounds)
1x Sleeping Bag (5 pounds)
5x Food Ration (2.5 pounds)
2x T-Shirt (1 pound)
2x Pants (1 pound)
300x Bottle Caps
5x Stimpacks (1 pound)
2x canteen (6 pounds [filled])
1x Louisville Slugger (4 pounds)
1x Spiked Knuckles (1 pound)
1x “Teiresias” (Combat Knife w/ sheath) (2 pounds)
1x fanny pack (2 pounds)
5x flare (5 pounds)
2x butane lighter (full) (1 pound)
4x Gamma Gulp Beer (4 pounds)

Total weight: 41.5
In backpack: 1x sleeping bag, 5x food ration, 1x t-shirt, 1x pants, 5x flare, 2x butane lighter, Lousville Slugger (located on right side of backpack, with end sticking out, straight up)
In fanny pack: 10x stimpacks, 2x canteen, 5x food ration, 275 bottle caps, 5x gamma gulp beer, spiked knuckles
In left hand: Nothing
In right hand: “Teiresias” (sheathed)

Teiresias is the grandson of Mrs. Sappleton, the librarian of the Hub. His name is said to come from an ancient literature, and originates from a language that is no longer in existence. His family left the Hub before he was born, right after the super mutants attacked the metropolis. His father didn’t survive the trip, however. During a raider attack, he was killed. Teiresias, his mother, and a few others were the only ones that made it to a somewhat safe refuge, the town of Gecko. It was here where Teiresias was born and lived for the first nine years of his life. Here, he was taught by the old ghouls. He was especially fond of Harold, who was like an idol to the little man. He learned from the knowledgeable mayor of the town valuable leadership skills. However, the ghouls were even limited on their knowledge of the past, and as time went on, Teiresias grew bored of the town. At the same time, growing tensions between Vault City and Gecko became evident, which worried the boy’s mother. She decided then it would be best for them to venture to another town. Unfortunately, she did not make a wise choice, as she chose New Reno to be their new home.

It did not take Teiresias long to learn the new rules of the mob city. By the age of eleven, he had already become close with the Mordino family. Part of this had to do with Lil’ Jesus Mordino being only a few years older than the lad. Lil’ Jesus became Teiresias’ new idol. Just before Teiresias turned twelve, though, tragedy struck. His mother, with no way to keep her child away from the mob or support them, was forced to the porn industry. Unfortunately for her, she caught a fatal STD and died. Teiresias moved in with the Mordino family at this point. Big Jesus welcomed him with open arms, glad to have a new son. Suspicion ran around town that Big Jesus was behind the death of Teiresias’ mother, but this was never proven.

Over the years, Lil’ Jesus taught Teiresias the ways of melee combat. The two even had matching combat knives, each with their respective names carved into the handles. By the age of fifteen, though, Teiresias became more interested in the ways of science rather than combat. As a result, he became Myron’s assistant. He learned the ways of science from Myron, and even began the development of a new drug. Rumors circulated about the drug, but it was never finished.

At age sixteen, Teiresias was a very well-known man. Everyone knew him, but very few trusted him as he grew older. Not only had he become known as part of a mob family, but he also had a very sly tongue. Unlike any other mobster, he had connections with all mob families in New Reno at one time or another. Most of them figured he was just an orphan that couldn’t use a gun, so what harm could he do? However, this proved to be a huge mistake. One time, he had almost started a war between the Salvatores and Bishops. He did this by convincing Bishop that Salvatore was having a secret affair with his wife At the same time, he got Salvatore to believe that Bishop was plotting against him. He made Salvatore worry that the Bishops had killed the Wright’s son and were trying to frame them. He then told Salvatore the only way to avoid fighting both families was to take out Bishop before they could convince the Wrights to side with them. Teiresias became renowned for such stunts, which he did just to amuse himself. To say the least, it was amazing he wasn’t killed many times already. By the time Teiresias turned eighteen, nobody trusted him. He always was said to have a secret agenda of his own, or one that would benefit the Mordino family. Most of the time, though, he was just trying to entertain himself, and would always marvel at his genius when one of his schemes would work, which seemed to happen very often.

A few months before his nineteenth birthday, Teiresias was informed by several people that there was a bounty on his head. He had created a lot of enemies in his young life. At the advice of Big Jesus Mordino, Teiresias decided it would be best to skip town. He left New Reno on his nineteenth birthday with hopes to return again years later to live with his family once again. Hopefully by then most would have forgotten about him. Then, he wouldn’t have to constantly look over his shoulder, wondering if one of the victims of his plots was out for revenge.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 01 Aug 2006 23:32 
Private First Class
Private First Class
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Joined: 25 May 2005 22:25
Posts: 38
Location: Denver, CO
Name: Asheru Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human
Level: 03
Height: 5'10
Weight: 178 lbs
Skin color: African-American
Hair: Black skinny dreadlocks
Eyes: brown

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 7 Hit Points: 046/046 Sequence: 20
Perception: 10 Armor Class: 006 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 5 Action Points: 08 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 3 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 105 lbs.
Intelligence: 06 Damage Res.: 025%
Agility: 10 Radiation Res.: 010%
Luck: 07 Poison Res.: 025%

::: Traits :::
Small frame
Fast shot

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 100% tag
Big Guns ....... 20%
Energy Weapons . 020%
Unarmed ........ 066%
Melee Weapons .. 056%
Throwing ....... 040%
First aid ...... 032%
Doctor ......... 021%
Sneak .......... 090% tag
Lockpick ....... 030%
Steal .......... 030%
Traps .......... 020%
Science ........ 024%
Repair ......... 018%
Speech ......... 015%
Barter ......... 012%
Gambling ....... 035%
Outdoorsman .... 032% tag

::: Inventory :::

Standard loadout (for now)

1 Hunting rifle chambered for 5.56 w/ scope
45. Semi Automatic pistol

Respective ammo for both

Desert camo jacket, shirt, pants, and bandana for day time
Dark blue clothing for night time raids
Crappy leather armour (needs to be calculated for AC and DR)

Behind these doors lie the pleasures of heaven and hell. I don't care which.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 03 Aug 2006 04:32 
Warrant Officer 1
Warrant Officer 1
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Joined: 25 Aug 2005 09:47
Posts: 909
Location: Maumee, Ohio
25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Rob Age: 24 Gender: Male
Level: 03 Exp: 3,000 Next Level: 6,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 05 Hit Points: 044/044 Sequence: 05
Perception: 09 Armor Class: 020 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 08 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 08 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 150 lbs.
Intelligence: 08 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 06 Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 030%

::: Perks :::

::: Traits :::
Sex Appeal

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 101%(Tag)
Big Guns ....... 002%
Energy Weapons . 002%
Unarmed ........ 042%
Melee Weapons .. 032%
Throwing ....... 014%
First aid ...... 044%
Doctor ......... 052%(Tag)
Sneak .......... 033%
Lockpick ....... 035%
Steal .......... 028%
Traps .......... 035%
Science ........ 042%
Repair ......... 034%
Speech ......... 052%
Barter ......... 062%(Tag)
Gambling ....... 035%
Outdoorsman .... 038%

::: Inventory :::
1x backpack (5 pounds)
1x Sleeping Bag (5 pounds)
5x Food Ration (2.5 pounds)
2x T-Shirt (1 pound)
2x Pants (1 pound)
5x Healing Powder (1 pound)
2x canteen (6 pounds [filled])
600x Bottle Caps (3 spaces)
2x butane lighter (1 pound)
1x Hunting Rifle (11 pounds)
4x Pairs of Socks (4 spaces)
1x Tribal Leather Armor (4 lbs)
200x .223 Rounds (8 lbs)
2x 30 round magazines, .223 ammo (2 lbs)
1x Field Medic's Kit

In backpack: 1x sleeping bag, 5x food ration, 1x t-shirt, 1x pants, 2x butane lighter

Total Weight: 47 lbs.

From a very early point in his life, it seemed destined that Rob would be a trader or merchant of some type. Somewhat greedy from birth, he was quick to sell or trade any interesting trinket he found in or around the village. As a necessary extension of his predisposition to sell pretty much anything he could get his hands on, he became a rather persuasive speaker.

As he grew, it became harder and harder to keep his "consumer base" satisfied with goods in the land surrounding the village, so he began joining the food caravans on their regular trading runs, and buying what he could on those excursions. As he developed his skills he started to play a more active role on the trips, and it wasn't long before he was their primary trader.

One night on the return leg of a voyage, a loud crash heralded the arrival of an uninvited, and most unwelcome visitor. Reluctantly rising from what had every indication of turning out to be a good dream, as he would explain later, "Anything that starts with six naked women has to end well," and entered a much less enjoyable, and infinitely less erotic, reality.

A Dire Wolf had stormed into the camp, and was in the process of relieving the head guard's right arm from the rest of his body. The man's shrill screams rang throughout the night, as the staccatto beat of the rest of the caravan's weapons joined the haunting melody.

As quickly as they had started, the screams stopped. The Dire Wolf lunged for a guard, who dodged, and landed right on Rob. Face to face with the enormous beast, Rob frantically groped for a weapon. A knife, a gun, a sharp stick, anything. As one would expect, the dead guard's Hunting Rifle had skittered to a stop just out of reach.

The monster opened its jaws, its hot fetid breath wafting across his face. Right as it seemed ready to lunge, a violent shudder passed through the beast, and it collapsed on top of him, blood running from a bullet wound in its head.

After that incident, understandably, Rob began training with smaller-caliber weapons. The guard's Hunting Rifle became his constant companion, and whenever he had some spare time he took a few hours to practice basic marksmanship.

This encounter also got him interested in healing wounds and fixing fractures, and he began learning the tools and tricks of the trade. It wasn't long before he became a relatively good doctor.

Before long he was able to hold his own on the merchant trips, and with increasing tensions between the local towns, his skills may end up being quite marketable.

"Detail makes the difference between boring and terrific writing. It’s the difference between a pencil sketch and a lush oil painting. As a writer, words are your paint. Use all the colors."

“For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been'.”

"The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can't help it."

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self." Best. Band. Ever.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 03 Aug 2006 20:19 
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Joined: 20 Oct 2005 00:30
Posts: 23
Location: Florida, baby!
25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Buffy Age: 16 Gender: Female
Level: 03 Exp: 6,003 Next Level: 12,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 06 Hit Points: 049/049 Sequence: 07
Perception: 07 Armor Class: 010 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 05 Action Points: 11 Critical Chance: 006%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 175 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 10 Radiation Res.: 010%
Luck: 07 Poison Res.: 025%

::: Traits :::
Sex Appeal

::: Perks :::
Night Vision

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 100% (tag!)
Big Guns ....... 010%
Energy Weapons . 010%
Unarmed ........ 014%
Melee Weapons .. 044%
Throwing ....... 010%
First aid ...... 018%
Doctor ......... 031%
Sneak .......... 025%
Lockpick ....... 017%
Steal .......... 020%
Traps .......... 006%
Science ........ 018%
Repair ......... 011%
Speech ......... 045% (tag!)
Barter ......... 010%
Gambling ....... 010%
Outdoorsman .... 084% (tag!)

::: Inventory :::
1x M82 Barret Sniper Rifle (loaded, 30 Pounds)
1x Colt .45 M1911A1 Pistol (4 Pounds)
50x .50 BMG (12 Pounds)
78x .45 Caliber (3 Pounds)
4x .50 10 Round Box Magazine (20 Pounds)
3x .45 7 Round Clip (1.5 Pounds)
2x BMG Magazine Pouch (.5 Pounds)
2x .45 Magazine Pouch (.5 Pounds)
1x Cartridge Belt (1 Pound)
1x Louisville Slugger (4 Pounds)
171x Bottle Caps
5x Stimpack (1 Pound)
4x Canteen (12 Pounds [filled])
9x Food Ration (4.5 Pounds)
1x Gecko Skin Sleeping Bag (5 Pounds)
1x Lantern (2 Pounds)
1x Backpack (5 Pounds)
1x Fanny Pack (2 Pounds)
1x Swiss Army Knife (.5 Pounds)
2x Jumpsuit (2 Pounds)
1x Trenchcoat (1 Pound)
2x T-Shirt (1 Pound
1x Zippo Lighter (1 Pound)
1x 3 Ounce Can of Lighter Fluid (.5 Pounds)
1x Rope (10 Pounds)
1x Holster (.5 Pounds)
1x Pair of Combat Boots (5 Pounds)
6x Pairs of wool socks(.5 pounds)
2x Stimpack

In the backpack I have - 5x Pairs of socks, 1x Gecko Skin Sleeping Bag, 9x Food Ration, 1x Lantern, 1x 3 ounc can of lighter fluid, 2x T-Shirt, 1x Jumpsuit
In Fanny pack I have - 172x Bottle Caps, 5x Stimpacks, , 1x Lighter, 50x .50 BMG Rounds, 72x .45 Caliber Rounds.
On the Catridge Belt, I have - 1x Holster, 2x BMG Magazine Pouch, 2x .45 Magazine Pouch, 1x Rope, 4x canteen.
In the Holster, I have 1x Colt .45 M1911A1 Pistol, loaded.
In the 2x BMG Magazine Pouch I have - 2x .50 10 Round Box Magazine, in each.
In the 2x .45 Magazine Pouch, I have - 2x .45 7 Round Clip in one, and 1x .45 7 Round Clip in the other.
In my hand(s), I have the Louisville Slugger, using it as a walking Stick.
Slung on my side, I have my M82 Barret Sniper Rifle
In my pocket I have - 1x Swiss Army Knife.
I'm wearing - 1x Jumpsuit, 1x Trenchcoat, 1x Pair of Combat Boots, and 1x Pair of wool socks.

Total Weight: 129.5 lbs.

Background Biography-

Buffy Micnit was... "different". She wasn't like the other tribal girls who were cooking, sewing, and setting up tents, more of a Tomboy. Since she was exceptionally attractive, this caused many people to underestimate her. She is a strong brunette, with brown eyes, and just like her mother, the figure of a goddess, so she’s told. Ever since the age of 6, Buffy was out hunting with her father, Thor Micnit, who was the head of the hunting party of the Agua Caliente village.
Buffy's first weapon was a sling made out of Brahmin leather, which her father helped her make. She used to pick up pebbles off the ground and sling them at wolves with deadly accuracy, alerting the wolves… which aggravated her father and the rest of the hunting party. But this happened very rarely, considering they hardly ever got into range for her to use her sling, since her father usually just killed the wolves from 2,000 meters away, with his M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle, which was the village’s most valuable asset. Buffy learned how to hunt, skin, shoot, everything that her father knew how to do, she did too.
At the age of 11, she received her first gun, the Colt .45, which her father had collected from the spoils of a raider attack that they won without any casualties. She quickly learned how to use it with the help of her father’s expertise, and she was then at the age of 11, the tribes 3rd most valuable hunter, next to her father and Big Blake Kilgour. Her father loved her with all his heart; he would do anything for his special little girl, considering she was his only family. His wife, Buffy’s mother passed away at birth, due to a C-Section, due to a loss of blood. It was tough at the village, most of the time, food and water were scarce. It helped to have good outdoorsmanship, which her father helped her with. At the age of 14, Buffy finally learned how to use the famed M82 Barrett… It was unbelievable how good she was with it, considering her age, which pissed her off because she was judged by her age, not her skill.
At the age of 15, her father passed away, she was all alone now. With her father’s inherited goods, she was not one to piss off at this moment in her life. Her father had died of radiation poisoning, which he got from contaminated well water. Buffy didn’t do much until she was 16 and finally accepted her father’s death. With her M82 Barrett, she would go out with hunting parties and amaze people with her deadly accuracy, and that’s how she got enough Gecko pelts to make her sleeping bag with. Buffy had been offered the head of the hunting party position, like her father had obtained, but she refused. She liked hunting, but she didn’t want to have it as her “job” per say. The main reason the Elder offered it to her was because of her famed Barrett, which had been in her family ever since the tribe looted a Vault, about 100 years ago. She had one main friend in the village of Agua Caliente, Big Blake Kilgour, which she knew from her hunting days. Blake was different from everyone in the tribe; he was a mutant, who actually wasnot brain-dead. Blake was gentle, even though his size doesn’t allow it, physically. His accent was scary, but Buffy thought it was charming and unique. They took to each other fast, going on two man (woman) hunting outings, which let them get to know each other. Eventually, they both shared a tent; being the each other’s family… they were lonely.

That's right fellas, I have the most experience points out of everyone. Haha.

Gunny don't count.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2006 22:27 

Joined: 27 Jul 2006 23:08
Posts: 235
Location: Australia
better post little jimmy. I havent been able to think of a backstory yet, though. for now im thinking just a normal tribesman with a good eye, and an M1 Garand.... my dog just got ripped apart by a pack of wild dogs, so im thinking he's a hunter.

Little Jimmy
Age - 24
hight - 180cm
weight - 75kg

lvl -3
xp - 3,000

S 5
P 7
E 5
C 5
I 5
A 6
L 6

total - 39

Ap - 8
HP - 46
AC (base) - 6
cary weight - 150lbs
melee damage - 1
poison resistance - 25%
Rad Res. - 10%
gas res - 0/0
electrical res. - 30%
damage res - 0
damage threshold - 0
sequence - 14
healing rate - 1

small guns

Bloody Mess

Swift Learner (bonus 5% to xp gained)

small guns (tag) - 114%
big guns - 12%
energy weapons - 12%
unarmed - 52%
melee - 42%
throwing - 24%
first aid - 24%
doctor - 17%
sneak (tag) - 63%
lockpick - 23%
steal - 18%
traps - - 23%
science - 20%
repair - 15%
pilot - 26%
speech - 35%
barter - 20%
gambling - 30%
outdoorsman (Tag) - 60%

normal loadout

1 M1 Garand rifle
10* 8 round bandoliers of amunition for garand (80 7.62 rounds)
80 rounds of loose 7.62
1 knife

Armour - none

"When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout."

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 01:34 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
User avatar

Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Benno, looks good but I need you to read the home rules and follow them for allocating your gear to a slot. And I am looking forward to your back story. :bs

Cheers, Thor

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 03:14 

Joined: 06 Aug 2006 00:34
Posts: 1
Name: Ritz
Age: 21
Gender: Male


When Ritz was a boy his father showed him the ways of brahmin herding. His family owned a large farm near their village. Every few days his father would go into town and trade away a brahmin or two, and some jerky he made. Every once in awhile, one of the older, more grizzled traders came in. One of those was a man named Peckhum. Peckhum had his own car- a car which he taught young Ritz to repair. Every few months, Peckhum would come by and trade some of his wares for meat and brahmin from Ritz's father, and every time, he taught Ritz a little more.

When Ritz was 5, his brother was born. His brother was much more interested then Ritz was in the brahmin farm. While Ritz picked up a few things about Brahmin herding here and there from his father, his brother delved deeply into the farm.

When Ritz was 20, his father died. His brother, being only 15 and not yet a man in the village's eyes, was too young to run the farm; so the task fell to Ritz. Over the next few years, Ritz learned how to use the Pipe Rifle his father had to keep poachers and wild animals away. About a year later, Peckhum visited the village, only to die in Ritz's arms, a victim of raiders. Upon recieving this knowledge, Ritz gathered what money was around the farm and used it to buy some basic gear and supplies from the traders in town. He gave the leftovers, minus some money for himself, to his brother to run the farm.

Strength: 05
Perception: 06
Endurance: 06
Charisma: 05
Intelligence: 09
Agility: 09
Luck: 08

[() are base]

Action Points: 09
Armour Class: (09) 23
Carry Weight: 150
Critical Chance: 008%
Sequence: 12
Healing Rate: 02
Hit Points: 44/44
HP per Lvl: 06
Melee Damage: 01
Poison Resistance: (0) 0 (030%) 040%
Radiation Resistance: 012%
Damage Threshold\Resistance: (0) 2 (000%) 020%
Electrical Threshold\Resistance: (0) 0 (030%) 050%
Gas Resistance: (0\0) 0\0
Laser Threshold\Resistance: (0) 0 (000%) 020%
Fire Threshold\Resistance: (0) 0 (000%) 020%

Current XP: 3001
XP Needed: 6000

Tech Wizard


Quick Pockets

KARMA: 0 (Wanderer)


Small Guns: 095% (tagged)
Big Guns: 018%
Energy Weapons: 018%
Unarmed: 058%
Melee Weapons: 048%
Throwing: 036%
First Aid: 024%
Doctor: 017%
Sneak: 032%
Lockpick: 040%
Steal: 027%
Traps: 025%
Science: 091% (tagged)
Repair: 080% (tagged)
Pilot: 030%
Speech: 025%
Barter: 020%
Gambling: 040%
Outdoorsman: 030%

INVENTORY: 47/150 lbs
1x Backpack (5 lbs)
1x Large Pouch (2 lbs)
2x Medium Pouch (2 lbs)
1x Bedroll (5 lbs)
2x Tanned Brahmin hide pants
1x Tanned Brahmin hide bandolier
1x Tribal Leather Armour
5x Packages of Brahmin Jerky (5 lbs)
4x 1 quart Canteens[filled] (8 lbs)
1x Toolbox (5 lbs)
1x Brass Knuckles (1 lb)
1x Combat Knife w\ sheath (2 lbs)
1x Colt 1911A1 .45 handgun w\ holster (4 lbs)
4x Magazines (10x .45 rounds in each, one in handgun.) (8 lbs)
100x Bottle Caps
1x Zippo
4x packs of Camel 99's
4x packs of Marlboro Red 100's

Bedroll on top, strapped
3x Packages of Brahmin Jerky
1x Toolbox (5 lbs)
1x Tanned Brahmin hide pants

100x .45 rounds
1x Brass Knuckles

2x Packages of Brahmin Jerky
15x Stimpaks

1x Zippo
4x packs of Camel 99's
4x packs of Marlboro Red 100's

1x Colt 1911A1 .45 handgun in holster, right hip
1x Combat Knife in sheath, left hip
3x Canteens slung across body
3x US Army Magazine holders [filled] on left side in front of knife
1x Tribal Leather Armour
1x Tanned Brahmin hide bandolier

Today IS a good day to die!

Last edited by alieth1 on 06 Aug 2006 04:41, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 04:04 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
User avatar

Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Tom, it looks good, but I need the back story before I can approve the gear.

Cheers, Thorgrimm

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2006 05:48 

Joined: 27 Jul 2006 23:08
Posts: 235
Location: Australia
Little Jimmy
Age - 24
hight - 180cm
weight - 75kg

lvl -3
xp - 3,000

S 5
P 7
E 5
C 5
I 5
A 6
L 6

total - 39

Ap - 8
HP - 46
AC (base) - 6
cary weight - 150lbs
melee damage - 1
poison resistance - 25%
Rad Res. - 10%
gas res - 0/0
electrical res. - 30%
damage res - 0
damage threshold - 0
sequence - 14
healing rate - 1
Crit Chance - 16%

small guns

Bloody Mess

Swift Learner (bonus 5% to xp gained)

small guns (tag) - 114%
big guns - 12%
energy weapons - 12%
unarmed - 52%
melee - 42%
throwing - 24%
first aid - 24%
doctor - 17%
sneak (tag) - 63%
lockpick - 23%
steal - 18%
traps - - 23%
science - 20%
repair - 15%
pilot - 26%
speech - 35%
barter - 20%
gambling - 30%
outdoorsman (Tag) - 60%


1 M1 Garand rifle
10* 8 round bandoliers of ammunition for garand (80 7.62 rounds)
80 rounds of loose 7.62
2 knives

Armour - none

On body
1 pair Boots
1 pair Socks
1 pair Camouflage pants (desert camo)
1 khaki-shirt
1 camouflage field jacket (desert camo)
1 Boonie Hat (desert camo.... on head.)
Sunnies (wearing. stylin'.)
Belt Kit
Knife, in sheath, right thigh.
Knife, in sheath, left thigh.

in/on belt kit -
2 1L water canteen (full)
bag one
1 6oz. can of sunblock
1 6oz. bottle of insect repellent
1 bottles of iodine water purifying tablets 50 per bottle
in pocket
1 signal mirror stainless steel
bag two
24 rounds of loose 7.62 for M1 Garand.
3 spare bullet clips (empty) for M1 Garand
Ammo Pouch
10 (full) M1 Garand clips
bag 3
1 day rations

In Backpack
2 days rations
5 Pairs wool socks
1 6oz. can of sunburn cream
1 2oz. bottle of weapons lubricant for desert terrain
1 water filtration unit
1 bottles of iodine water purifying tablets 50 per bottle
1 'solar still' water condensing kit
1 1 liter canteens (full)
1 pair tan coveralls desert pattern camo
1 entrenching tool US military issue (hung off back of pack)
1 desert survival manual
1 sweater, tan
1 10oz. bottle rubbing alcohol
1 bandana, tan, desert camo pattern
1 5 gal collapsible water container
1 pair Camouflage pants (desert camo)
1 khaki-shirt
56 rounds of loose 7.62 for M1 Garand. (boxed)
7 spare bullet clips (empty) for M1 Garand (boxed)

In Hands
M1 Garand Rifle, with sling.

Little Jimmy, as known by his tribe because his father was also named Jimmy, was taught how to hunt by his father and the other village hunters from a very young age. He found he has an almost natural instinct to hit what he shoots at (which is handy) and can hide almost unnoticed by all but the most attentive prey. Not only was he taught to shoot and hunt, but he learned how to survive in the wastes by finding drinkable water and edible food, and by staying out of the way of the larger predators - Humans arent at the top of the food chain anyore. In his home village, they never went without food for one night - however meager - because of his hunting skills. Although he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, he can learn somewhat faster than the normal person. For instance, he has shot so many animals (and people in minor conflicts) that he almost has an uncanny knack of being able to hit the most vulnerable part of the body, which, while hady for killing quickly, also has the unfortunate side effect of making a mess. a big mess. After his village was destroyed in a battle between the Otturon and Yangi tribes while he was out hunting, he went to the Fox and Deer to become one of their warriors - a man alone in the wastes is as dead as the ground iteself. He pried the Garand from cold dead hands of the man who killed his father with it.

i'm not sure of the weights or if i can have all that hanging off me. Pretty much the only weight that matters is the weapons and ammo, becuse thats all that is different from the standard loadout. the Garand weighs 6lbs, the knives are 1lb each (according to the FO PNP rulebook). It doesnt give a weight for ammo.

i dont really understand your inventory system fully, thor, so i hope this doesnt make too much of a mockery of it.

"When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout."

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 12 Aug 2006 22:33 
User avatar

Joined: 20 Oct 2005 00:30
Posts: 23
Location: Florida, baby!
25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Joey Age: 19 Gender: Female
Level: 03 Exp: 6,000 Next Level: 12,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 06 Hit Points: 047/04 Sequence: 06
Perception: 10 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 01
Endurance: 05 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 006%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 01 Carry Weight: 125 lbs.
Intelligence: 07 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 09 Radiation Res.: 010%
Luck: 06 Poison Res.: 025%

::: Traits :::
Small Frame

::: Perks :::

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills ::: ::: Kills :::
Small Guns ..... 027%
Big Guns ....... 006%
Energy Weapons . 006%
Unarmed ........ 048%
Melee Weapons .. 096% (tag!)
Throwing ....... 022%
First aid ...... 026%
Doctor ......... 013%
Sneak .......... 039% (tag!)
Lockpick ....... 038% (tag!)
Steal .......... 014%
Traps .......... 018%
Science ........ 022%
Repair ......... 014%
Speech ......... 015%
Barter ......... 010%
Gambling ....... 020%
Outdoorsman .... 074% (tag!)

::: Inventory :::
1x Deco-Filament (1 pound)
171x Bottle Caps
1x Shovel (15 pounds)
1x Binoculars (2 pounds)
1x Lockpicks (1 pound)
1x Dog fur hat with ear flaps and neck strap (.5 pounds)
5x Stimpack (1 Pound)
4x Canteen (12 Pounds [filled])
9x Food Ration (4.5 Pounds)
1x Sleeping Bag (5 Pounds)
1x Lantern (2 Pounds)
1x Backpack (5 Pounds)
1x Fanny Pack (2 Pounds)
1x Swiss Army Knife (.5 Pounds)
2x Jumpsuit (one black, one white) (2 Pounds)
2x T-Shirt (one black, one white) (1 Pound)
1x Zippo Lighter (1 Pound)
1x 3 Ounce Can of Lighter Fluid (.5 Pounds)
1x Rope (10 Pounds)
1x Pair of Sneakers, for sneaking (2 Pounds)
3x Pairs of wool socks(.25 pounds)
Total Weight: 57.75 lbs.
In the backpack I have - 2x Pairs of socks, 1x Lantern, 1x Sleeping Bag, 9x Food Ration, 1x 3 ounce can of lighter fluid, 2x T-Shirt, 1x Jumpsuit, 1x rope, 3x canteens (hanging).
In Fanny pack I have - 172x Bottle Caps, 5x Stimpacks, 1x Lockpicks, 1x Lighter, 1x Swiss Army Knife.
I am wearing - Backpack on back, Fanny pack on waist, White Jumpsuit, Fur hat, pair of socks, sneakers for sneaking, and binoculars around neck.
In my hands I have - Shovel used as a walking stick.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 13 Nov 2008 19:21 
User avatar

Joined: 11 Nov 2008 18:15
Posts: 6
Location: Probably in your fridge, drinking your Sunkist.
25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Kyzak Age: 27 Gender: Male
Level: 03 Exp: 6,000 Next Level: 10,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 07 Hit Points: 034/034 Sequence: 07
Perception: 06 Armor Class: 009 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 005%
Charisma: 05 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 200 lbs.
Intelligence: 09 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 09 Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 05 Poison Res.: 030%

::: Traits :::
Bloody Mess

::: Perks :::
Pack Rat

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 073% (Tagged! 11SP (Skill Points) Added)
Big Guns ....... 008%
Energy Weapons ..... 008%
Unarmed ........ 052%
Melee Weapons .. 076% (Tagged! 7SP)
Throwing ....... 026%
First aid ...... 040%
Doctor ......... 030%
Sneak .......... 042%
Lockpick ....... 035%
Steal .......... 037%
Traps .......... 035%
Science ........ 046%
Repair ......... 037%
Speech ......... 035%
Barter ......... 030%
Gambling ....... 035%
Outdoorsman .... 096% (Tagged! 18SP)

::: Inventory :::

Total Weight: 0 lbs.

Going to work on Inventory later.

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