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The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: TEXT entries (Pedia)
PostPosted: 17 Apr 2008 19:51 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Hi all
At the moment i have done the Pedia texts for some of the Leaders of the different Races and the Races themselves. So far we have the following races: -

And the following Leaders: -
John Sheridan
Susanna Luchenko
William Morgan Clark
Londo Mollari

We still have all of the Non Aligned races and their leaders pedia texts to do plus Emperor Turhan, Emperor Cartagia, Councillor Na'Far and Citizen G'Kars pedia texts. I Have exhausted my sources of major information so if anyone has any other info that can be added to these texts please let me have them and i shall incorporate them.
Also still to do are the Pedia texts for the Techs. The work i had done was lost and it took me most of a day to collate and rewrite what i had into something coherent enough to be used. When all that was done i still only had about 6 or 8 of the techs done. So again, if anyone has any better sources of information please pass them to me so i can incorporate them.
It's probably the only thing i've found that i can do well so far :AH

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008 08:13 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Psi Corps, Do you mean Susan Ivonova for Susanna Luchenko?

I will get right on tracking down the information you need.

I will begin with the racial entries.

Cheers, Þórgrímr

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008 08:23 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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To say that Ssumsha is a beautiful world is like saying that flarn is bland. Unlike many homeworlds, the Abbai have always integrated ecology and technology. The Abbai take great pains to ensure their growth is in harmony with everything around them, even when they travel among the stars. I was once taken to the Star Caves at Tesoss. Built into a fringing reef five thousand years ago, the Star Caves are a religious and historic landmark. Holes in the cave's ceiling accurately represent all major stars in the night sky during the spring equinox (five thousand years ago). Many believe the Caves were used in a divinatory rite, an ancestral form of "star-reading," or Yemfai. The effect during the day is spectacular as a sky of liquid stars shines above.


Abbai, like Earth lungfish, are able to process oxygen in gas or liquid form through a dual gill/lung respiratory system. Body coloration ranges from pink to orange. Abbai sport a multicolored headcrest that typically develops with the maturation of their reproductive system. Stress, lack of nutrition, and inability to fully immerse the body in water on a regular basis has been linked to the "washing out" of coloration. The "fin" on the crown of the head is covered with blood vessels, allowing the body to efficiently regulate body temperature.


Abbai telepaths, Helomai, are considered to be closer to the natural world than normal Abbai. Most Abbai with telepathic ability are apprenticed, in a field of their interest, to another telepath or group of telepaths. While many Helomai find a calling to the social sciences, others develop their abilities in the horticultural and animal sciences.


Tolerance and respect typify Abbai culture. Poverty and inequity is not present in their culture. Male Abbai are excluded from the political process, but they are not considered inferior or barred from any other activity. In fact, with a male-female ratio of 1:5, male Abbai are much valued. Most male Abbai prefer to pursue academic, scientific, or artistic careers.


The majority of the Abbai's sixteen dominant faiths center on the worship of natural elements. Most Abbai practice Oulai, which upholds the sanctity of wind and water. One of the newer religions is Kolai. In lieu of a base in natural phenomena, Kolai describes logic and knowledge as pathways to a higher state of being. While there are a multitude of religions, there is no competition amongst them.


The first sign of the Abbai forming sizable community groups occurred around 4000 B.C. with the founding of Nolei. Nolei was a trading center for surrounding villages and supported a population of several hundred. Other cities were established as regional trade centers across the continent. Many of these cities modeled their government on the traditional village matriarchy giving the ruler city- and region-wide powers. Nolei was ruled by an Over-Matriarch, who was counciled by the village leaders of the surrounding region. Nolei continued to dominate the continent through the centuries despite a series of disasters that occurred in the 3rd century B.C. By the 2nd century B.C. the city matriarchs began to gather at regular times to discuss trade and political treaties. This eventually led to the rise of an acknowledged leader who would direct the proceedings. The position of Natomo, or "Speaking Mother," had gained so much influence by 1900 B.C., a continent-wide Matriarchate was formed. Modeled on the ancient Nolei system, the "Empress-Matriarch," or Natar, was advised by the city matriarchs in a body known as the Marti.

The Matriarchate was on the verge of collapse by 1600 B.C. Inadequate communication with colonies on the newly discovered continent on the far side of the planet strained the ability of the city matriarchs to rule their colonies and advise the Natar. The sudden death of the Natar and the installation of a young Natar who had not birthed a child of her own1 threatened the stability of Abbai society. Such fears were unfounded as Natar Vessa Qwil'telai was a gifted ruler. She reformed the Marti into its current democratic state. While this and other changes instituted by Natar Vessa stabilized the government, the rapid social changes led to several violent uprisings on the main continent and the new. All Abbai are taught of this time of pride and shame; pride in the office and wisdom of the Natar and shame that any Abbai found it in themselves to harm another.

1000 A.D. marked a period of rapid technological advancement for the Abbai. Spaceflight was a feasible venture with the resources of Ssumssha at the Matriarchate's disposal. Tavita Colony was established in 1234 A.D. By 1400 A.D. the Abbai constructed their first jumpengine after mining Abba II for its quantium-40. While no nearby systems were considered habitable, the Abbai did encounter other races. Contact with the Ingyo was established in 1495 A.D. and trade relations were established. Through the Ingyo, the Abbai learned of other races.

By the 21st century the Abbai had established mutual defense treaties with several neighboring races and was an active member in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. With the start of the Dilgar War in the 2230's the Abbai honored their treaties. The Dilgar captured the joint Hyach-Abbai colony of Beshilay in 2232 and used the colonists as test subjects. Before an Earth Alliance fleet could liberate the colony, the Dilgar destroyed Beshilay2.

In 2260, Abba IV suffered an attack by Shadow forces. Only through the intervention of the Rangers was Abba IV not decimated. After the Shadow War ended, Abbai throughout the galaxy returned home at the bidding of Natar Yrisha to join in rebuilding their homeworld.


The supreme authority of the Abbai Matriarchate is the "Empress-Mother," or Natar. The Natar rules for life. Upon her death, a daughter from her family assumes her position. In making her decisions, the Natar is helped by an advising body called the Marti. The Marti is composed of two hundred female Abbai from various walks of life. Membership is for three years; at which time the populace elects new members.


Being a peaceful race, the Abbai are most concerned about their safety. Through shrewd negotiations, they have forged additional treaties with the following neighboring races: the pak'ma'ra, Llort, Vree, Hyach, and Yolu. It is rumored that the Gaim seek a similar agreement with the Abbai.

The Abbai were active members of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Abbai representative to the League Kalika Qwal'mizra was not influential among the other races, but well respected for her negotiation skills and ability to focus on the good of all League races. Because of this, she was chosen to represent League interests during the Deathwalker crisis in 2258.

Following the dissolution of the League, the Abbai was quick to join the Interstellar Alliance upon its founding in 2261.


There are only ten cities on Ssumssha (Abba IV). Most Abbai prefer to live in small villages typically built around a body of water. Several are completely submerged.


Tavita (Abba III) is the only habitable world colonized by the Abbai. Numerous orbital factories utilize Abba VII and Abba VIII (both gas giants).


Of all races in the Alliance, the Abbai are the most pacifistic. While the Abbai do not believe in violence or conquest, they realize the need to defend themselves. Abbai weapons technology focuses on disarmament and the disabling of specific systems on enemy warships. Their ships and orbital platforms are capable of generating powerful force shields that can repel most assaults. Tachyon communications are also a specialty. The Abbai are able to jam most enemy communications and are also quite adept at broadcast interception.

Defense of the Abba system is augmented by several alliances with other races. The Matriarchate is also known to hire mercenaries on occasion.


Stellar Level; The Abbai specialize in agriculture, medicine, communications systems, and computer software.

[SOURCE: "The War Prayer," "Deathwalker," The Official Guide to Babylon 5]

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008 09:04 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Humanoid in appearance, the Brakiri have evolved incredible night vision and tough leathery skin, allowing them to survive and prosper in the rigors of their home world. However, they have demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to other environments, permitting them to colonies other worlds and move around other races with ease. Brakiri are superb traders and despite their relatively small foothold of systems within the League, they have gained a great measure of political influence through mercantile treaties with many other races.


In Brakiri culture the comet is a potent symbol of death. One of the gravest threats one can make is to call on a comet in the presence of a Brakiri. The threat not only denotes your intention to kill the target, but also the immediate family and water-clan of the individual.


House Torra of the Centauri Republic conquers Brakos. The planet was balkanized with many competing nations and clans.

Climax of the Centauri occupation, with the last major influx of colonists.

Growing accidents led to the decision to use Brakiri workers for Centauri projects. An underground resistance movement is formed.

The Centauri population on Brakos began a steep decline due to failing environmental conditions. Two hundred years of regulation unconcerned about what happens after had produced drastic effects.

Centauri naval forces cease to visit Brakos, and visits by anyone other than House Torr become very rare. Rumors abound of war on the far side of the Republic. Many projects and even cities were abandoned by the Centauri, with the Brakiri resistance occupying in their wake.

The Centauri Royal Navy arrived in force and removed House Torr from the planet. House Torr was to be purged for treason and the planet was to be abandoned as economically marginal. Centauri facilities and installations were destroyed, but a secret House Torr research base was missed, and the Brakiri resistance saved as much as possible. The Jump Gate was deactivated as the Royal Navy left, having sterilized the system, or so they thought.

The new Krona was able to unify the diverse factions and begin operations to repair as much of the environment as was possible, produce a military force able to protect the Brakiri from future depredations and prevent any future enslavement. Ak-Habil and Ly-Nakir launched the first space missions this year, with the eventual goal of the Centauri Jump Gate. Ak-Habil was assigned to the Jump Gate, Ly-Nakir was to take the lead on repairing the planet.

The Krona was organized into its current form, and Pri-Wakat was formed as a planetary security force. Im-Rehsa, a minor corporation, possessed the old House Torr research base. Ly-Nakir was conducting successful ice mining operations.

Ak-Habil was able to deduce how the jump gate worked, but the Krona decided to defer reactivation until defenses were in place.

Im-Rehsa announced that artificial gravity had been developed. This was actually the old Centauri technology, but Im-Rehsa waited until a complete understanding of the technology existed to make this appear to be a home grown development. Announcements were made of the forthcoming Gravitic Bolt technology, and sales were begun to all important corporations, while Pri-Wakat sought a license to build their own.

Ak-Habil announced the development of the jump drive. The gate was reactivated to allow exploration by Ak-Habil forces.

The first successful manned trip into hyperspace occurred, with low rate, cautious exploration ensuing. Ly-Nakir developed the first Brakiri fighter and began conversion of ice freighters into carriers.

Ly-Nakir spies have successfully stolen Gravitic Shield tech from the Abbai, contact having been made soon after hyperspace exploration started. With the increasing habitability of Brakos, Ly-Nakir was forced to slow rehabilitation projects and find new sources of employment. Many of the old ice freighters were sold to Tor-Sikar as colonization ships.

The Abbai invited the Brakiri to join the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The Krona agreed, hoping for economic gains. Word of potentially hostile aliens was used to encourage more capable warships to be designed and built.

The Pyrotinia arrived in the Brakos system. This was the opening move of the Dilgar War.

War production was accelerated as it became more likely to threaten the Krona. Refugee Balosian ships began to appear in the system.

The Dilgar attack, taking the colonies at Cormac and Elkata. The loss of the Corumai prototype, Balosian and Vree aid allowed the Brakiri to weather the first few Dilgar assaults. The Dilgar decided to bypass the smaller colonies and move on deeper into League space. This proved to be a fatal error, and when the Earth Alliance and allied units liberated Brakos the corporate fleets moved with them to punish their foes. Brakos was once more free, and in ruins.

The Earth-Minbari War took place, with the EA approaching the Krona for aid. While initially willing, Minbari pressure made this clearly a suicidal decision, and no aid was forthcoming. While the Brakiri felt guilty about not aiding their saviors, survival was paramount.

The miraculous survival of the EA was followed by a call for a diplomatic station to be constructed to allow permanent peace and economics talks to take place. The Krona would have been enthusiastic even if this had not been seen as a way to apologize to the EA for failure to aid them in the war. Talk is cheap, and economic improvement was what the Krona was all about.

Im-Rehsa, operating in concert with Shadow agents, encouraged Ak-Habil and other corporations to begin offensive operations against their neighbors, in what became known as the League Wars. Ak-Habil attacked the Gaim, then Drazi forces invaded. War spread to every front, before the Shadows struck. All of the corporations except Im-Rehsa joined Sheridan's Army of Light quickly, and by the end of the war, even Im-Rehsa had been pressured into joining. Despite the loss of many of the Brakiri shipyards, their forces joined Sheridan again in his war on the Earth Alliance.

Like many other small powers, the Brakiri made an "alliance" with the Shadows, hoping that the alien race would support them in their conquest of their neighbors in 2260. Unfortunately for the Brakiri, that alliance only served the Shadows' desire to destabilize the region. The Brakiri soon joined the Army of Light when the Shadows began to attack them mercilessly. This has gained the Brakiri a poor reputation among some other races in the League who view them as parasites living off the efforts of others, even though their strong trade links with other worlds made them invaluable in helping to bind the League together in the first place.

The Syndicracy was one of the first governments to sign onto the new Interstellar Alliance. Raids began on Brakiri shipping, as well as other IA members. Eventually evidence was developed by the Anla'Shok that Centauri forces were at fault, and the IA-Centauri War took place. This brief conflict saw Brakiri forces committed into action, but purely in a defensive role.


One of the rising governments among the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, the Brakiri are ruled by profit-driven corporations formed from the original water clans who competed over precious resources long in their homeworld’s past. Brakiri is a dry world blasted by the direct rays of its sun, with cities built around to few natural sources of water, though with the advent of space travel and mining of other planets in the system, the pressures of life on this world have eased. Even so, the Brakiri are still a nocturnal race, learning to work during the darkness to avoid the blinding glare and withering heat of the sun.

The Brakiri were members of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds and are currently members of the InterStellar Alliance.


Brakos; located near Gaim Sovereign Space.


Kara, D'Grn 4, Cormac, Elkata


It is money, trade and commerce that is the power of the Brakiri Syndicracy but their assets are backed up by their impressive and dangerous warships as well. The Brakiri have some of the most advanced ships in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds, forming fleets that are remarkably well-balanced in terms of their offensive and defensive capabilities and which regularly out-perform the ships of their peers. Of special note is the Brakiri innovation of gravitic technology, a scientific principle that runs through almost all their spacecraft and fleet assets. Their ships often possess an alarming level of firepower and are not to be underestimated.

The ships of the Brakiri fleet consist of the following:

Tashkat advanced cruisers
Avioki heavy cruisers
Ikorta light assault cruisers
Falkosi fighters


Technological development among the Brakiri has been stymied and very few scientists are to be found in their population, for they have found it easier to trade and barter new developments rather than spend many years in research.

[SOURCE: "The Fall of Night," "Convictions," "Interludes and Examinations," "Day of the Dead" AOG and Mongoose Publishing ]

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008 20:14 
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Þórgrímr wrote:
Psi Corps, Do you mean Susan Ivonova for Susanna Luchenko?

Nop, I added Susana Luchenko; S. Ivanova was never such a large scale leader.

"No Surrender, No Retreat"
- John J. Sheridan

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,--
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
- Alfred Tennyson (Ulysses)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2008 20:45 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Premier Valle wrote:
Nop, I added Susana Luchenko; S. Ivanova was never such a large scale leader.

Hmm, I must have missed that episode, I don't reacall a leader with that name. :AC

Cheers, Þórgrímr

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008 11:17 
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Þórgrímr wrote:
Hmm, I must have missed that episode, I don't reacall a leader with that name. :AC

Its in late season 4, when Clark goes down, she is an interim President; she gets the Earth Alliance into the ISA.

"No Surrender, No Retreat"
- John J. Sheridan

Tho' much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,--
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
- Alfred Tennyson (Ulysses)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008 12:04 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Premier Valle wrote:
Its in late season 4, when Clark goes down, she is an interim President; she gets the Earth Alliance into the ISA.

Ah, ok. I remember now. Thanks for the remind. :bs

Cheers, Þórgrímr

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 20 Apr 2008 12:24 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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I do not know if you need a racial profile for the Centauri, but here is a nice and detailed one. :bs


"There was a time, when this whole quadrant belonged to us! What are we now? Twelve worlds and a thousand monuments to past glories, living off memories and stories, selling trinkets." - Ambassador Londo Mollari, 2257


While seemingly human in outward appearance, Centauri have a very dissimilar genetic structure. The most pronounced difference between the two races are their sexual organs. Male Centauri have six "tentesticles" which can be manipulated with great skill. They extend out from the sides of the body and "fold" in over the solar plexus when not in use. Centauri females have six narrow receptive orifices, three on either side of the base of the spine, just above the hips. Centauri sexual intercourse can be divided into levels of intimacy and pleasure simply from the number of tentesticles used in penetration. Culturally, the use of only one tentesticle is of little significance since only mild stimulation occurs (though fertilization is entirely possible unless steps are taken to prevent this). The more tentesticles used, the greater the pleasure for both participants.

Centauri have no major blood vessels at the surface of their wrists.

Centauri blood has never been successfully synthesized by human physicians.

The average lifespan of a Centauri is 150 years.


One of the first discoveries in genetic mapping was identifying the gene that controls telepathic potential. While the Centauri did not carry out extensive genetic experiments, this knowledge was used to identify telepathic potential in newborns. A certain amount of genetic screening also is carried out by the government to insure that telepathy does not go out of control. Children with telepathic potential are identified before birth so that arrangements can be made with the Noble House of the region. The Noble House takes that child under their care (utilizing the tradition of fosterage) teaching them the responsibilities of their power and the traditions of the Republic. When the telepathic ability emerges, they become part of the Telepaths Guild.

Most Centauri telepaths of significant ability belong to the Telepath's Guild, a powerful economic and political entity within the Republic who hire out their telepaths to provide service to the Republic. While the Guild is a commercial venture, it is supervised by the government. Traditionally, the Guild frowns upon aliens hiring their members, but for the last fifty years this policy has not been enforced. However, should any Guild telepath be hired to harm the Emperor, his Court, or members of the Centaurum, punishment is strictly enforced. Those guilty of this crime are heavily fined (often driving their House to ruin), banished from the Guild with their powers suppressed (either chemically or through surgery), imprisoned, or put to death depending on the crime. Performance evaluations, similar in practice to those of the Psi Corps, are performed regularly. All Guild telepaths must submit to a mind probe should any member of the Centaurum request it.

There are several divisions within the Guild. The military, espionage, and economic branches are the largest. The most honored is the Emperor's Own: a group of powerful female telepaths. Four telepaths are grouped together shortly after birth and raised together. After years of contact with each other, these four women are in constant mental communication with each other. It is one of the most rigorous programs; every precaution is taken to insure that each telepath is mentally sound since insanity is a great danger in any stage of the bonding process. Through this process, the four telepaths are always unconsciously connected mentally. They are taught to communicate without line of sight and to always know the location of her "sisters." When an Emperor ascends the throne, a group is chosen from the Emperor's Own to serve him in his reign. Whenever the Emperor travels outside the Court, two telepaths accompany him while two remain in court. This ensures that the court nobles and the Emperor havehe most current information about each other's circumstances.

All Centauri have varying amounts of precognitive ability; usually sensed in the form of dreams. These dreams tend to focus on death of that particular Centauri; but are rarely remembered. Not all Centauri dreams come to pass, however, since the future is ever moving according to the choices made in the present. While male and female telepaths are the norm, very rarely are procognitives born. These seers are exclusively female and are one of the great treasures of the Republic. Usually a prophetess has no telepathic powers, only the ability to see into the future, although rare cases are known (Lady Ladira of House Kiro is one such prodigy). There is no formal organization among the seers, although many acknowledge those with superior skills and talents with difference. All prophetesses are outside governmental and Guild control. They go where they will and answer to none (including the Emperor).


Centauri are generally regarded by other races as pompous aristocrats who dream only of their decaying past. It is said that every generation of Centauri mourns for the "Golden Days" when the power of their empire was rivalled only by the gods. With the lust for power brought on by Lord Refa in 2258 and the madness of Emperor Cartagia in 2259 and 2260, the Centauri did not mourn the losses of the past but raged for the empire they were building. After the death of Cartagia and the end of the Shadow War, the Centauri started haltingly on the harsh road to reconciliation with the Narn and other races.


Centauri culture is defined by the family. One's family (or House) defines one's cultural rank, status, and title. A House's social position is always in flux as other houses gain or lose their prestige as a result of other House's machinations (For example, House Kiro is that of the first Emperor. It has now declined to fill the role the Emperor's messenger service). Houses with long histories of service to the Republic are Noble, or Great, Houses and are held in the greatest respect. Noble Houses hold much wealth and power and are deeply involved in the politics, economics, and industries of the Republic.

To have power in Centauri society, one must play the game of blackmail and backstabbing. While one can work to increase one's position in society, connections in high places do not hurt at all. Neither did poison. Poison is a traditional political tool dating back from the earliest days of the Republic. One of the more popular poisons is Dovisiani (also known by many other names). It is a bi-part poison, each by itself is inert until mixed together. The first part settles into the intestinal system of the victim and is very difficult to flush out. When the second part is ingested, the poison reacts quickly in the cardiovascular system killing the victim. The power of a Great House is relative to the amount of dirt they have on other Houses; kept in what are called Purple Files. The Purple Files of House Mollari are so extensive that should they become public they would ruin the Centauri Republic. Gaining power solely through these means is a risky endeavor. Young Centauri are told the tale of Yovlo the Reviled to discourage such dishonorable practices as spying, poisoning, and blackmail. When Yovillo finally made a mistake (in dealing with the Emperor no less), his head was placed on a pike in the Imperial Gardens after days of torture and his entire House was destroyed. While there never was a Yovillo in the Old Republic, the truth remains that should the Emperor or the Centaurum find a person dishonorable, that person and his house will suffer. Of course, others see the tale as a message to be crafty enough not to get caught.

All this politicking is the realm of the male Centauri. Males are the leaders of the Republic and hold all positions in the military and other physically demanding occupations. A male's status is displayed in the length and height of their hair-crest. Wearing one's hair longer than your status is viewed as pathetic. Female Centauri take the opposite approach and go bald, save for a knot of hair at the back of their skull to show their disdain for the petty trappings of the males. Females are upheld as the nurturers and teachers of the family. Women traditionally exert their wills in a subtle manner upon their men. While women are not barred from traditionally male occupations (some females are actually quite aggressive in political and economic arenas), the effects of subtle distaste for unconventional women usually drive women to seek their fortunes outside Republic space.

Ascension in Centauri society is not always accomplished under the table. Advancement through marriage is a less strenuous route. For a thousand years, arranged marriages are the primary means of binding two families together. Such pairings are arranged in early childhood. This merging of noble families has kept the "fabric of the Republic strong." Most times, the participants in these marriages are required to sacrifice their desire for love for the good of the Republic. This is not to say that marriage for love is a rare thing. While a male Centauri's first wife may be a political marriage, he is free to marry as many wives as his position can support. In current Centauri society these institutions are losing favor and most are only carried out by the nobility. It is a trend by the young Centauri, called Radicals, who feel they should cross under the swords and boughs only for love.

Practiced in the early days of the Republic, fosterage (or surrogate parenting and instruction) has fallen into disuse in the current era. Fosterage is, however, still allowed by law and to reject it would be seen as an act of defiance against tradition.

Upon the death of the Emperor, custom states that the royal consort assumes the spirit of her late husband. She is then presumed to speak for the late Emperor who resides in the afterlife.

The two greatest composers of Centauri opera are Dorva, known for his aria, "Forcumbales Toccata," and Centaro, who's "Micriva Taro" brings joy to the heart of every Centauri.

Faking one's death is very popular in Centauri drama and other media. There are many variations of the theme, but it still remains the fantasy for Centauri husbands with too many wives.

Centauri Dueling Societies, or Koru Prido ("Proud Knives"), were once very popular on Centauri Prime. It is customary for members to have a fighting name given to them by their comrades. According to the laws of the Koru Prido, one may challenge another member to the Molago, a fight to the death using a koltari, a Centauri short sword. The victor of the duel must accept the loser's family as his own. The duel begins with the words: "The Molago is declared and accepted. Draw your swords with purpose, and sheathe them with honor."


While religious interference by the Vorlon seems to not have occurred in the Centauri's current pantheons, some of their ancient gods could be construed as Vorlonic constructs. Prehistoric Centauri held widely varying beliefs; most of which centered around incarnations of nature. Most of these deities were animalian or animal-Centauri hybird in form. Belief in specific deities varied widely by geographic area, although a few deities did gain some widespread worship. A few have even survived, in modified form, to the present.

The Carmine Wars of the third century C.E. brought religious faith to an all time low. It wasn't until war was declared on the Xon that the Centauri's faith was rekindled. Physically weaker than the Xon, Centauri casualties were high. Many began to look to their fallen leaders and heroes for guidance in the devastating war. Some proved more benevolent than others, and so gained a following. Worship for most gods and goddesses stayed within their own Houses and formed the minor pantheons; the major pantheon being composed of the most popular ancestor spirits. Interestingly, the head deity of the Centauri belief system is known by the simple name Great Maker which appears to be similar to the Ikarran deity of the same name. Following the Great Maker is a series of six head gods: Ruterian (associated with one of the first warlords to successfully assault the Xon homelands and several sea deities), Ben-Zan (the god of food), Mo-Goth (god of the underworld and protector of front doors), Gon, Illaros (goddess of luck and patron of gamblers), and Li (goddess of passion; also called Kolee in some regions).

One of the first goddesses to enter the major pantheon was Li, Goddess of Passion. According to temple records, Li was a historical figure that lived during the Xon Wars. Her advocation of passionate lovemaking, large families, and promiscuous behavior brought her scorn and derision during her lifetime. Her home city branded her a pervert and had her banished. Continuing her message she found no safe home until her death during a Xon attack. It was several years before the Centauri recognized the wisdom of her words. Even as the Xon's population diminished, the Centauri's grew — a major factor in the Centauri's eventual victory over the Xon. Towards the end of the Xon War, Li was granted godhood and her symbolic form. The idol of Li (cast most often in gold) portrays both male and female attributes. She has breasts, a large male hair-crest, and six tentesticles protruding from her hips.

It is said that among the civilized races that the Centauri have the greatest faith in their gods. Temples to the major deities are in all major cities and colonies. Not only are these places of devotion holy, they are great tourist attractors (over 10 million sentients visited the Temple to Gon on Immolan V in 2252). Currently there are a total of fifty major deities, although some consider Zoog to be the fifty-first. Zoog was a minor deity of a Noble House. They pushed their god into acceptance among the populace, culminating in the erection of the Great Temple of Zoog. Bribes and blackmail forced the religious establishment to recognize the temple as legitimate. Thus was a household god elevated to the Major Pantheon in an act of vanity.

Each individual Centauri chooses to worship one god in the hopes that he or she will be admitted into that god's realm in the afterlife. There are as many "heavens" as there are gods. If one sufficiently appeases the chosen god, then you are accepted into the afterworld to await the time when all the heavens will be united. If you do not succor the chosen god properly, you are reborn and must convince another god that you are worthy. If, throughout all your lives you fail to appease any of the gods, your soul is not reborn and drifts forever.

Once a year, the Centauri hold a Festival of Life. The origins of the Festival go back to the Centauri-Xon War. The fighting was extremely vicious, since neither side wanted to share Centauri Prime with the other. At the end of the year, the Centauri would gather together, count how many survived, and celebrate their good fortune. This often resulted in everyone becoming one with their inner self or, more accurately, passing out from intoxication.

Worlds conquered by the Centauri that have indigenous peoples either adopt Centauri religion or are forced to do so.


Most Centauri call Centauri Prime "Homeworld" - though some translate it as "First."


There is nothing more decadent than traditional Centauri food. A fair amount of Narn food has entered their culture including hot jhalla and G'Quon Eth seeds.

Centauri brevari is a fine, light red alcoholic drink.
"Old Salted" is a salty, liquored cake.
A tapote is a very rich tart.
The traditional Centauri toast (and reprise): "Valtoo!"


Centauri history, in popular texts distributed by the Centauri Historical Guild, is defined by a series of conquests. Even though dozens of worlds once swore fealty to the Republic, the Centauri consider their premiere achievement to be the extinction of the Xon. In the fifth century C.E. the Centauri encountered their first alien sentients - on their own planet. The Xon and the Centauri arose on Centauri Prime, with each species coming to dominance on the planet's two main continents.

Centauri accounts of the first contact between the two races say that a Centauri expeditionary force of three sailing vessels happened upon a Xon coastal city. Three years after they launched, the Centauri sailing vessels returned to the Centauri continent, carrying a Xon invasion force (its original Centauri crew was slaughtered). The brutality and cruelty of the Xon horrified the more culturally advanced Centauri. Further contact was sporadic, yet just as brutal. As Centauri technology advanced into the equivalent of the human Rennaisance, Xon piracy and raiding missions were too much to ignore. The competing fiefdoms of the Centauri continent forged alliances to deal with the Xon. Decades of fighting between the two races ensued. Centauri intellect won over Xon physical prowess. Around 500 C.E. the Centauri-Xon War was over; the Xon extinct.

During the war several ruling families had maneuvered themselves into positions of power. As they were the ones who had contributed the most to the war effort, they felt that it was their right to rule. Dissension was short-lived as the populace recouped from the war. The Noble Houses formed the Centauri Republic. Taking the useful elements of their former military alliance, the Centaurum was created as a ruling and advisory council. The head of the highest Noble House became the Emperor, leader of the Centauri people. Emperor Kiro ascended the new throne after consulting with three Technomages. In commemorating this event, the Eye of Empire was presented to the Emperor by the Guilds. With the Xon defeated and politcal stability securing the land, the Centauri entered into a period of renaissance and exploration.

As the Republic entered the atomic age, an alien starship crashed on their world. The vessel was stripped and its technology examined. From the wreckage, the Centauri learned the secrets of interstellar travel. Fleets were constructed and the Republic explored the nearby star systems. Alien species were discovered, almost all of whom were no match for the Centauri's technology. The Centauri battlefleet numbered in the thousands. Sometimes the mere arrival of the fleet, so numerous as to block out the local star, would cause a civilization to surrender. The Vega system (now owned by the Earth Alliance) was conquered in only nine days; its indigenous population wiped out. World after world fell under the banner of the Centauri Republic. Those that were not enslaved were destroyed.

Such conquest, officially, went on without defeat. However, many ships and a few outposts fell to marauding by an alien race known as the Drakh. These defeats were stricken from public record by the Emperor's order, yet surviving crewmen and colonial defenders brought stories back to Centauri Prime. Eventually the legend of the Drakh entered the popular culture as a bedtime story to scare little children, as Drakh incursions ceased after the Shadow Uprising in the 13th century.

The expansion of the Republic was a slow process, as each new system was securely in the Emperor's grasp before another world was colonized or assaulted. In six hundred years, the Republic spanned over one hundred systems. Fortunately for the Centauri, their borders (boasting only a handful of systems at the time) were barely affected by the Shadow Uprising in the 13th century. After establishing a colony in the Batain system, the Centauri encountered the Minbari and the Vorlons. These races were magnitudes more powerful than themselves and the Centauri were forced to learn the lesson of interstellar diplomacy. The pinnacle of the Republic spanned the 1700's to the 1900's. After centuries under the Emperor's thumb, "client worlds" and enslaved species became restless. Within the Republic itself, the Centaurum was torn in countless power struggles. The Noble Houses fought for their own agendas, ignoring the good of the populace. As a result, the vaulted position of Emperor was vacant almost twice as often as before.

By the 1950's the Republic began to disintegrate. Open rebellion spread from world to world, creating far more fronts than the Centauri could deal with. Rebel worlds seized Centauri battleships and manufacturing centers and used them against their former masters. The great Centauri Fleet was significantly reduced and the Republic's sphere of influence shrank. Losing was not something to which the Centauri were accustomed. Fighting within the Centaurum exploded into open accusations, occasional assassination and outright combat as the Noble Houses sought scapegoats for their continual losses. In the end, the Republic was forced to acknowledge the legitimate governments of their former slaves, now formed into the League of Non-Aligned Worlds.

Decades passed leaving the Republic a handful of vassal worlds. But as time went on a new generation of Centauri entered power. Hungering for the former glories of the Republic, they began attacking alien worlds. Not wanting to face a combined League force, nor the fleets of the Minbari Federation, the Republic entered previously unexplored sectors of space. Diplomatic relations were opened with sufficiently advanced worlds. Primitive civilizations were subjugated.

The Narn were one of those primitive civilizations. The Centauri invaded their homeworld in 2110. The planet was strategically well located, had an abundance of natural resources, and an indigenous population that was not technologically advanced. The Centauri enslaved the barbarian Narn and raped their homeworld. It was an easy conquest and many Houses grew in wealth through selling the handicrafts of their new slaves. House Turhan was responsible for strip mining the world. (It should be noted that the official Centauri spin on the subjugation of Narn is: "They found the Narn a primitive people. As an act of generosity they gave the Narn technology far ahead of their own, took them to the stars, taught them laws, and civilized them. All this was repaid in terror and death!)

The Narn, however, did not remain passive. Methods gained through years of conquest failed to soothe the Narn, it only made them resist with more fervor. Disruptive elements were removed only to be replaced by more in his or her place. Centauri factories and installations were monkeywrenched. The Narn venture was costing the Centauri almost as much as it was making them. It became a point of pride to control Narn. While open rebellion was put down immediately, guerilla actions were very successful. It is said that the Centauri lost the Eye of Empire, the symbol of the Emperorship, at the Battle of Na'Shok in 2160 C.E. (the Centauri government paid very generously to get the artifact back only to have it stolen byhuman Raiders in 2258. Officially, the Eye was recovered by a little known ambassador on Babylon 5 who has since become a major player in Centauri, and galactic, politics. In truth, the Eye was recovered by the Shadows and presented to Londo Mollari as a gift to ingratiate him to their "favors.").

Around 2198, the Centauri encountered the Humans. By this time the Republic had become increasingly isolationist, a policy not hindered by their failing occupation of Narn. The Centauri, not wanting the expenses of conquest, opted to try and dupe the Earthers. Because of similarities in outward appearances, the Centauri told the Earthers that they were a long lost colony of the Centauri. They claimed that they were the dominant species of the galaxy and controlled a vast Empire. Eventually, the Earthers knew better. Through genetic analysis and contact with other races they found they were hardly related, and the Centauri Republic had been shrinking for decades. The Centauri claimed that they did not intentionally deceive the humans. A clerical error led them to believe that Earth was Beta 9 rather than Beta 12. The Centauri created economic and cultural ties with the humans and sold them non-military technology (jumpgates, for example), in exchange for "native trinkets" (Earther music, art (mostly of the late Rennaisance and Baroque period), philosophy, games (including poker), and literature) that could be resold for more ducats back on Centauri Prime. This trade allowed the Humans to jump ahead at least a hundred years in technological development.

Meanwhile, the difficulty of controlling Narn continued to escalate. Their other vassal worlds began to resist being ingratiated to the Centauri's "help." Attitudes within the Republic began to shift from conquest to complacency. One by one the worlds of their empire dropped away. The Centauri let them go, feeling that "they'll come crawling back sooner or later." Their military shrank, as more Centauri shirked the "hard" careers, leading the Republic to hire mercenaries among other races (including the Dilgar). Their laziness did not temper their cruelty - the last Centauri Emperor to rule the Narn Homeworld executed 100,000 Narns on a whim. After one hundred years of occupation, the Narn drove the Centauri off their homeworld through a war of attrition, making it too expensive in lives and ducats to occupy. Unfortunately for the Centauri, their treatment of the Narns insured them an enemy forever.

After relinquishing control of the Narn homeworld, the Centauri were forced to abandon world after world due to Narn aggression and rebellion. Narn internment colonies set up by the Centauri rebelled and pledged allegiance to the reborn Narn Regime. Even the threat of a Narn attack would force the Centauri to abandon their worlds. Sporadic retaliation on the part of the Centauri allowed them to retain some of their holdings near the Narn sectors. The Centauri controlled sectors bordering the Narn's were established as Quadrants and military installations were established. Most fighting between the two races occurred in these areas, though occasional deep raids by both sides took place.

Diplomatic skill came as second nature to the highly political Centauri. The Centauri diplomatic corps increased in strength. Relations with the League of Non-Aligned Worlds were even opened, though it was a strained relationship at best. Relations between the two powers broke down in 2231 during the Dilgar War when the Centauri refused the League's cries for intervention saying they were neutral in this conflict (the Centauri were clients to Dilgar mercenaries). After the humans defeated the Dilgar, the Centauri looked toward the Earth Alliance as a means of improving their own stalled empire. However, warming relations took a backseat to self-interest as the Minbari declared war on the Humans in 2246. Not wanting to agitate the powerful Minbari Federation, the Centauri sold everything but weapons to the Earth Alliance. Strangely, the Centauri have always seemed to favor the Humans (probably due to similarities in likeness). Even when the Centauri (with the help of the Shadows) in 2259 raged across Known Space, the Centauri offered the Earth Alliance a treaty.

This change in Centauri policy can be attributed to Emperor Turhan, who felt that the future of the Republic lay in diplomacy rather than conquest. Upon the death of his father, his first act as Emperor was to cancel the battle plans for an invasion of Earth and her colonies, citing that the losses on both sides outweighed the possible gains. He was later proven right as the Humans drove the Dilgar back to their homeworld, Omelos. He also granted several concessions to the Narn when it was possible, making him unpopular among the more militant elements in the government. Causing further disruption in the power structure of the Republic was the death of the sole successor to the throne, Turhan's son, Beyon, in 2252. He drowned in a boating accident. His personal guard reported that he was unable to find the child in the murky water. Several days after making that report, the guard was found dead. Officials ruled his death a suicide of grief and shame. The following year an assassination plot againsthe Emperor was uncovered. Bribed by the Narns, House Bleda and House Corono plot to dispose of the Emperor with a fusion bomb. Most of the conspirators are publicly beheaded as traitors to the Republic. In 2254 Prime Minister Malachi narrowly survived an assassin's blade. The assassin was sent by House Madrin who had hoped to assume his position. The Emperor's supporters were not immune to these attacks. Senator Foresi's mind was scanned following a meeting of the Centaurum. The telepath, Vetrello Motro, was caught and sentenced to death. In pleading for his life he named House Mareau as his employer and how they ordered him to perform the scan. Because of House Mareau's long history of service, they were merely asked to leave their position in the Centaurum. The vacancy caused by Mareau's departure allowed the struggling House Lorem to gain dominance in their home province.

Narn hatred against the Centauri did not abate with time. In 2253, launching from their base in Quadrant 37, the Narn attacked the Centauri military installation in Quadrant 27, severely damaging it. The Emperor was forced to order reprisals against the Narn which continued until 2255, but never escalating to the point of full-scale war. A final attack on Q27 by the Narn rendered the colony impractical for habitation. Not entirely abandoning the system, the Centauri established a listening outpost there instead. In 2258, in the most daring action by the Narn, the agri-colony of Raghesh 3 was successfully invaded. Claiming that they had a right to the colony since 2138 when Narn slaves were transported there, the Narn strongarmed the five thousand Centauri of the colony to proclaim that they invited the Narn to "assist" them. The Narn were eventually forced to abandon their new conquest due to political pressure. With representatives on the newly-constructed diplomatic station Babylon 5, the stirrings of peace talks were started, with the Euphrates Treaty making the first step in building a bridge to a more peaceful future.

The need for a return to the glory days of the expansionistic empire was awakening in the Republic and Raghesh 3 marked a turning point in Centauri attitudes. While Emperor Turhan sought to concede much to the Narn in order to reimburse them for what his people did to them, more and more Centauri felt that only new conquests would stop the decline of their former empire. Leading this "return to strength" fervor was Lord Refa, a high-powered functionary in the Centauri government. His faction undermined the authority of the Emperor; making Emperor Turhan appear ineffective and weak. Rumors also suggested that they were the cause of the death of the Emperor's son. Further proof in Refa's accusations came in 2258 when it was rumored that the Emperor's health was failing.

With the only heir apparent dead, every Noble House jockeyed for a clear path to the throne. Refa's faction, however, had the edge over all the other Houses - an ambassador with very powerful associates. On December 31, 2258, the Narn colony at the edge of Centauri space (Quadrant 37) was completely destroyed by Shadow forces at the bidding of Londo Mollari. Ten thousand died in the attack, and propelled the once obscure ambassador into higher circles.

Emperor Turhan visited the Earth diplomatic station Babylon 5 in 2259 in the hopes of making amends with the Narns and hopefully seeing a Vorlon. His already terminal condition became worse before he could publicly announce an apology to the Narns and was confined to the station's medlab facilities. The Vorlon ambassador,Kosh, visited the Emperor on his deathbed. Turhan asked the Vorlon, "How will this end?" To which Kosh replied, "In fire." Using the head of the medical staff, a human, to relay his message to the Narns, he told the Narn ambassador that he had no intention of starting a war with the Narn. Instead he had wished to make amends to them for the evils his people had done to them. This noble, if not overdue, act was completely undermined by Refa's faction. Under Refa's direction, Ambassador Mollari requested that the Shadows destroy the Narn listening post in Quadrant 14. Three Shadow Cruisers decimated the base. His gesture for naught, Emperor Turhan's dying words were to Ambassador Londo Mollari: not "Continue. Take my people back to the stars." as is publicly known, but "You are both damned." (in reference to Londo and his friend Lord Refa). After the destruction of the Narn colonies in Quadrant 37 and Quadrant 14, the Narns were forced to declare war against the Centauri.

Although public record states that Prime Minister Malachi committed suicide shortly after his Emperor's death, he was murdered by Refa's faction at the same time the Narn listening post was destroyed. After some intense political maneuvering, Refa's faction has emerged the victor. The Emperor's nephew, Narleeth Cartagia Jarn, is the new Centauri Emperor and Refa's puppet. Opposition from other Houses are crushed under Refa's witch hunt, where the mere accusation of treason will dishonor a House. According to Centauri law, traitors are executed, followed by the confiscation of their property (in the process destroying the House).

The ensuing Narn-Centauri conflict was short lived and costly for the Narns. Within weeks, the Centauri had forced them to holding actions. Six months after war was declared, it was ended in a decisive two-pronged attack. An intercepted transmission revealed that the main body of the Narn fleet were poised to strike at the main Centauri supply depot in the Gorash System. Further information gained from prisoners from the Narn colony on Dras told of the pitiful defenses guarding the system as the main fleet massed for an attack. Seizing an excellent opportunity, the Centauri attacked. Mollari's Shadow forces annihilated the Narn fleet attacking Gorash. Meanwhile, the Centauri fleet bombed the Narn homeworld using mass drivers (weapons outlawed by every civilized world). They continued shattering the world with asteroids for four days until the Narns unconditionally surrendered, with eighty-nine million dead. The terms of the surrender are severe:

The Kha'Ri will be disbanded and its members will be arrested and tried for the commission of war crimes against the Centauri.
In order to prevent further acts of terror by the Narn against the Centauri, the murder of any Centauri by any Narn will result in the execution of 500 Narns including the perpetrators own family.

A provisional ruling council appointed by the Centauri government will rebuild a more civilized Narn government as a colony of the Greater Centauri Republic.

Emperor Cartagia declared that a week of festivities be celebrated to commemorate the recapture of the Narn homeworld and several nearby colonies. The days of an Empire comprising a mere twelve worlds were over.

Following the defeat of the Narn, the Centauri turned their eye towards the Non-Aligned Worlds beginning with pak'ma'ra and Drazi holdings. Although obviously indicative of their expansionistic aims, the official word was that they were simply creating a "buffer zone" to stabilize their recent acquisition of Narn properties.

On December 12, 2259, the Tuchanq arrived on Babylon 5 pleading for aid to restore the ecology of their homeworld. The Narn had subdued them, covered their world in munitions factories and decimated the ecology so much, the Tuchanq were forced to reprocess their dead as food. The Centauri offered to supply the necessary help in return for the ability to station a small "defense" force on the planet's moon. Initially rejected for the Human and Minbari offer (which had no conditions), the Centauri eventually "won" the planet following the gross abuse of law that resulted in a bloody riot and the (faked) execution of a Tuchanq delegate. The "Greening of Tuchanq" was begun by Republic Navy terraformers on December 22, 2259, following a speech given by Emperor Cartagia:

To wound the Land is to wound yourself, and if others wound the Land, then they are wounding you. Those that heal the Land heal themselves, and if others heal the Land they become brothers. People of Tuchanq: the Narn wounded your Land. We, the Centauri, have come to heal it. We are your brothers.

Approximately a week later, the Humans signed a non-agression treaty with the Centauri, hoping for peace at any cost. After the Earth Alliance allied themselves with the Republic, the Centauri further expanded their borders into other League member states.

After these actions, Ambassador Mollari grew squeamish about his ties with the Shadows. Wishing no further dealings with them, he acquiesced to a "settlement." According to this settlement, the Centauri were granted rights to conquer one-third of theMilky Way Galaxy (a little over half of Known Space which included their current holdings). Most of the galaxy was delineated as Shadow territory. There is a bufferzone between the two "Empires." There are no guarantees that either side will not attack the other once they achieve their immediate goals. After Ambassador Mollari severed his link to the Shadows, Morden (a human Shadow Thrall) found Lord Refa quite receptive to his propositions.

In return for the Shadows' assistance, Refa agreed to expand the Republic's borders. All twelve alien governments bordering the Centauri found themselves at war. Worried about his people, and the loss of the one thing that made him valuable to Lord Refa, Ambassador Mollari poisoned Refa, forcing him to drop his ties with Morden and the Shadows — and bolster the defenses of Centauri Prime. Although Refa felt that Morden was the key to his rise to the Emperor's throne, such power would not do him much good if he was dead. He refused all calls from Mr. Morden.

The occupation on Narn gave the Centauri a change to vent their frustrations on a helpless population. Several regiments of Centauri were given the charge of "culling the herds." They test populations for those with a tendency for aggression and remove them from the gene pool. Aggressive Narns are brought to centrally located concentration camps where they are put to sleep or killed by other, more violent means. Most times, whole villages are burned to the ground.

Following the Shadow War (2260 - 2261) and a little after the beginning of the Great Crusade, Centauri Prime was reduced to rubble. The Drakh, former minions of the Shadows, had infiltrated on the Centauri homeworld to exact revenge on not just the Centauri, but on the Interstellar Alliance. Emperor Mollari was held under their sway with a Keeper — attached to Londo's neural system it forced him to comply with his new masters' commands or suffer the consequences. Under the direction of the Drakh a new Centauri fleet was constructed and war was again initiated against the Alliance. The war that brought the galactic heroes John Sheridan and Delenn into Londo's hands. Both heroes were interrogated and tortured for information about the war elsewhere and the whereabouts of their son, David. By putting the Keeper to sleep by almost drinking himself into a stupor, Emperor Mollari allowed the prisoners to escape. Hoping that this final act of goodness may help redeem his soul, he asked that his longtime enemy, G'Kar, kill him before the Keeper wakes. It awakened before G'Kar could finish the job and lent its strength to the aged Centauri. Both Centauri and Narn soon lay dead. Long time aide to the Emperor, Vir Cotto picked up the symbol of the Emperor and was crowned the new Emperor of the "mighty" Republic. The Drakh, having lost their puppet, had their plans for this new leader...


The head of the Centauri Republic and soul of the Empire is the Emperor. His word is the law and every proclamation is for the good of the Republic as the Emperor is the mouthpiece of the gods. Surrounding the Emperor is his Court, composed of the Imperial Advisors, prominent Senators and leaders of the Noble Houses. The Court helps the Emperor make decisions on the Republic's various policies by advising that he take certain actions. The Imperial Advisors are a group of elite statesmen who oversee various aspects of the Republic. Senators from the Centaurum come to Court to explain the needs of their constituents and those of the Republic at large. Noble Houses seek the goodwill of the Emperor in assisting their various enterprises across the Republic and Known Space.

It is argued that the Imperial Advisors hold the most power in the Republic aside from the Emperor. They have constant access to the seat of power and control the flow of information to the Emperor. Heading the Imperial Advisors is the Prime Minister. Should anything happen to the Emperor, the Prime Minister will rule as regent until a new Emperor is chosen by the Centaurum. The Minister of Intelligence, Grand Fleet Admiral, Guardsman Elite are but a few of the advisors in the royal court. These positions are considered the highest honor in the Republic to hold. The most prestigious advisory roles are those of the military leaders. These positions are ancestral, coming from houses (House Dromo provides as Grand Fleet Admiral and House Tavastani provides as Guardsman Elite) that date before the Xon War. These advisory positions are unimpeachable.

The Centaurum is a parliament composed of the most powerful Houses in the Republic (that is, those Houses below the Emperor's). It is a highly politicized body; its members constantly jockey for position and status within its ranks. While the Centaurum is charged with maintaining the Republic so the Emperor may concentrate on the larger issues, it has no power to make laws. However, should an Imperial Decree be decidedly against the good of the Republic, only a three-fourths vote in the Centaurum may counter it - a near impossible task. Should the Emperor die with no clear heir, it is the duty of the Centaurum to seek out a House equal to the former Emperor's in history and nobility and to appoint a new Emperor from that House. The Centaurum itself is divided into several Committees charged with maintaining certain areas of the Republic (The Emperor's Committee on Finance is in charge of the economy, for example). Problems of a more general nature are brought before the Centaurum as a whole for deba. The title of Vocator is given to committee chairmen to exemplify the power of their position. It is the Vocator's duty to determine who shall speak in committee and to report on that Committee's findings to the Centaurum at large and to the Emperor should the matter warrant it. Depending on regional laws and traditions, senatorial positions are either elected or appointed. Eligibility for a senatorial position is only open from the region in which they were born, not their current location. Political connections to the Noble House of the region are practically a necessity to be elected to the Centaurum. Females are not restricted from membership, but then again, there has never been a female Senator in the Republic.

Problems at the regional level are solved at the Local Court. Members of the noble houses of the region staff the court with the Senator representing the region serving as its head. Most times a magistrate (often the head of the most powerful House in the region) is appointed to act in the Senator's stead while the Senator attends to business at the capital. This arrangement is the same on colony worlds and stations as it is on Centauri Prime, with regions covering as small an area as Merrani Cape to entire worlds and systems.

Slavery is legal according to Centauri law. Historically, slavery was used to punish criminals and those who offended the great Houses. After the founding of the Republic, slavery continued to be practiced, though less frequently. As the Centauri took to the stars, conquered races began to fill the slave pits. Some contend that slavery contributed to the decay of the Republic. Slavery within the Republic is still legal. A few Houses (mostly those in control of hostile colony worlds) actively make use of slave labor. While slaves make for cheap labor, Centauri law does force the slave owner to be legally responsible for the actions of his slaves.
While their days of outright of conquest are over, the Centauri maintain their power through diplomacy. A good number of independent worlds have good relations with the Centauri (like the vin'Zini ) and theLeague of Non-Aligned Worlds maintains ties to the Centauri if only to keep the peace. Diplomatic missions to Narn are completely out of the question. In deference to the power of the Minbari and Human governments, the Centauri hold cordial relations with those races. Diplomatic relations with the Minbari have been problematic at best. Despite the technological superiority of the Minbari and the respect that commands, the Centauri disdain their highly structured culture. What the Centauri find disturbing is that both diplomatic missions to Minbar have failed. The first diplomat fell in love with the Minbari philosophy and went native. A disgrace to the Centauri Republic, the former diplomat renounced his citizenship. At last word, the diplomat was located on a distant world trying to grow a headbone. The second mission was opened in 2260 and closed a few months later. Rumors suggested that the diplomat, Vir Cotto, was succumbing to the "Minbari influence," but was saved in the nick of time before he did any real damage.


All military actions originate from the Emperor or a member of his chief military advisors, of whom the Grand Fleet Admiral is the head. The bulk of the Centauri's ground forces are composed of Centauri Royal Guardsmen, led by the Guardsman Elite (another Imperial Advisor).

The Centauri space fleet is without peer among the younger races in both number and firepower. Without straining their resources, the Centauri are able to simultaneously defend Centauri Prime and their colony worlds. While ship design hasn't changed much for centuries, the Centauri have maintained their technological edge over the younger races. Their main advantage is to be the only young race to utilize magneto-gravitics in their drive systems. While costly in power consumption, these drive systems provide better maneuverability and speed over traditional ion engines and, more importantly, a psychological edge since the magneto-gravitic drive also makes the ship a gravity positive environment. Considering the size of the Centauri fleet, the thousands of battles, and the dozens of ships seized by rebellious worlds, it is a wonder that no other race has discovered the Centauri's use of magneto-gravitics. In addition to superior mobility, the Centauri's sensors systems are among the best in Known Space, allowing them the advantage of detecting and preparing for an incoming attack.

The ground forces of the Centauri are exclusively Centauri Royal Guardsmen (although mercenaries - Dilgar, Pre'lek, among others - have been employed by various parties from time to time). The Centauri Royal Guardsmen were originally organized as an elite arm of the military to escort the Emperor during wartime. As the Republic expanded their duties grew to include quelling riots on rebel worlds. Today, the Royal Guardsmen form the military and law enforcement branches of the Republic. The Royal Guardsmen are divided into three branches: Centauri Guardsmen (the domestic and colonial police force), Military Guardsmen (the ground forces of the Centauri military: from footsoldiers to elite commando squads), and the Royal Guardsmen (the guardians of the Imperial household and the Emperor). While the uniform of the Centauri Royal Guardsmen is respected among the populace, some elements do not live up to the name. Centauri Guardsmen are usually low-brow Centauri with little motivation to advance in society. These enforcers of the law are, generally, not too intelligent and are easily bribed. Most Centauri Guardsmen reive little-to-no training. Military and Royal Guardsmen, on the other hand, are typically well-trained and are proficient in at least one martial art. Of those developed by the Centauri, Tronno and Coutari are the most popular.

Developed during the expansion of the Republic, this unarmed combat form instills in its pupils a respect of tradition. Tronno teaches that all who have passed before contribute to those who exist in the present and that one's responsibility is to the Republic, not to one's self. The majority of moves in Tronno center around kicking, as lashing out with the upper limbs leaves the male genitals exposed.

More a ritualized form than used for combat , the art of the Coutari is mainly kept alive by Koro Prido. This bladed-weapon art is taught and executed in honor duels and in life-or-death situations. The focus of the Coutari is on form and honor.

Typical Centauri military procedure in attacking enemy holdings is as follows: attack, neutralize, secure, and then move on to the next target. This kind of thoroughness has allowed the Centauri to create and maintain their Empire for ages (with few exceptions).

When in combat, Centauri fighter pilots sometimes set their ships on autopilot, risking blackout, to perform dangerous (and ofttimes successful) maneuvers.


Centauri Prime


The Centauri Republic has the distinction of holding to longest settled colony worlds of the younger races. Most of these worlds are agricultural and industrials centers, but tourism is still the main industry of the Republic and insures that most colonies are self-sufficient. Immolan V was one of the first purely Centauri colonies settled and is one of the largest tourist attractions in the empire. Narns are barred from travelling in Centauri Space, but any other race is welcome as are their credits. The worlds along the border of Narn and Centauri space are developed only with military installations. The Centauri held eleven systems and approximately 29 worlds up until 2259. After absorbing all Narn holdings, the Centauri invaded each of the twelve alien governments bordering their space. These military actions brought worlds once belonging to the Narn, Tuchanq, Drazi, pak'ma'ra, and others into the Greater Centauri Republic. Centauri colonies are considered provinces in themselves and are represented in the Centaurum by a Senator. The Local Court is usually run by a single Noble House (whereas on Centauri Prime one to four Noble Houses may control a region). As colonies were established some Noble Houses moved off Centauri Prime to control the new worlds (sometimes a very risky proposition), other Noble Houses rose into prominence as being one of the founding families of the colony and becoming a Noble House in its own right.

A Few of the known Centauri Colonies:

Batain (DM+ 4 4048) VI Outpost
Beta 1 IV Colony - controlled by House Toulani and is popular tourist destination.
Beta 3 (DM+ 56 328) II Colony
Brackesh 9
Centauri (Zeta Tucanae)
Centauri Beta I
Republic Station
Emperor's Retreat
Coutor (DM+ 15 6290) II Colony
Immolan (Beta Hydri) V Colony - one of the first Centauri colonies established on an uninhabited world.
Lorro Outpost
Trollo Station
Quadrant 1 (Sigma Draconis)
Beata Colony
Quadrant 27 (DM+ 36 13940 A)
Turan Station
Turan I Outpost - mining colony
Ragesh (Epsilon Indi)
Ragesh III Colony - agricultural colony
Ragesh Station
Tolonious VIII Colony - controlled by House Maro
Galactic; Centauri power sources are crystalline based.


The ducat is a unit of Centauri currency.

Some Centauri are Technomages.

Many Centauri expeditions intoVorlon space have been launched. None have returned. The only things to return to Centauri Prime are strange tales.

The Centauri Triangle is an infamous sector of space that skirts the edge of a nebula. Communications are disrupted and navigation is hazardous. Trade routes have been set up that avoid the area (creating the "triangle"), through some cargo haulers behind schedule have been known to brave the area, usually never to be seen again.

The Centauri do not have the hangups humans have in regard to anatomically correct dolls. In fact, it is considered an insult for a Centauri doll to not be anatomically correct.

Some Centauri luxury items (that are considered "technically illegal" in some sectors):

Weeping Stones

G'Quon Eth plants
Acquired during their occupation of the Narn homeworld, the G'Quon Eth plant is illegal to posses except for legitimate and religious purposes. In contrast to the spiritual uses it has for the Narn , the Centauri have found that when the seeds of the plant are dropped in an alcoholic beverage, the results are "enjoyable."

Star Laces
Glowing plants native to Davo. Not illegal, but very expensive.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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PostPosted: 22 Apr 2008 16:12 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Next up are the Drazi



There are five distinct races of Drazi. Differences are superficial: skin coloration ranging from purple to green,.to the amount of scale ridges on the body. Their blood is milky-white.


The Drazi are a violent, ill-tempered species. They believe that conflict brings out the best in their society. Consequently, those that are physically superior to other Drazi are taken to be mentally superior as well. Those that are cunning in battle are rewarded by the Freehold with positions of power. Drazi are avid attendees and participants of the Mutai. Drazi tend to be read by humans as male due to their naturally aggressive nature.


Droshalla is the Drazi deity "whose light fills the world. It lights the Way." Droshalla is also an image of Drazi theology that has been exploited by the Vorlon.

The religion surrounding Droshalla has a strong tactile base. Blessed objects are touched. This touching passes on a part of the blessing to the worshipper.


Drazi find it difficult to speak perfect English, since their languages as a rule do not have the embellishments that the English language has. In keeping with what some would call Drazi single-mindedness, their language has followed suit and is composed of macros - so the greatest amount of data can be given in the shortest amount of time. A Drazi lexicon:


Traditional Drazi food is served alive. One favorite is the six-tentacled skron. It is usually served underneath pasta covered in a thick white sauce. Though the pasta compliments skron quite nicely (for Drazi palettes) it mainly serves to pin the animal down.


Drazi enter space as the result of an internal arms race. Warships for use against other factions were the norm.

c 1340
A military patrol discovered an ancient jump gate orbiting one of their gas giants. Expeditions to study the object followed. Over the next 50 years it was discovered the vital component was Quantium 40, which was exceedingly rare in Zhabar.

The first mission through the gate was sent; A Redbird Hyperspace Probe. Exploration followed. Mapping expeditions were sent to find the existing beacon network and seek the rare and desired Quantium 40, now known to be rare almost everywhere.

The Drazi encounter the Hyach for the first time, being persuaded that war was a bad plan, peaceful contact ensued.

The Abbai encounter the Drazi, and once again the Drazi reluctantly submit to peaceful contact. This time, because the Abbai have a more plentiful supply of Quantium 40. The Drazi have meanwhile continued to expand and place colonies.

The Long Hunt. The Drazi Freehold at last found a "nation" strong enough to be an interesting foe, but weak enough to defeat. The Woon Stellar Association. The WSA refused to fight a stand up struggle with the more powerful but poorer Drazi, instead fighting delaying actions and severing beacon links. The Drazi reacted by seeking new routes, and the process repeated. Finally, the WSA began destroying worlds rather than see them in Drazi hands and severing links several systems deep. The WSA was able to break contact with known space and in the process many systems and colonies belonging to both sides were lost and have not been recovered.

First Contact with the Centauri. The Lion of the Galaxy was far too powerful to fight, but was distracted by their own trouble with the Orieni Empire on their other side. Raiding by pirates, both real and military "adventurers" began almost immediately.

The Drazi, with 4 major colonies and some smaller, have begun occupying worlds abandoned by their old allies, the Hyach, who are in decline. Recovery from the Great Hunt continued, though full recovery was still not achieved. A secret deal was made with the Orieni Empire for a future war against the Centauri Republic, with technology transfers and increased raiding as clauses.

The Centauri discover the Orieni influence with the Drazi and fight a short border campaign against them to suppress raiders. The Drazi sit out the ensuing Eastern War, to their later pleasure.

The Centauri Civil War of 2046-2048 virtually destroyed the Republic. The Drazi took full advantage, both to remove the humiliation of the 2001 skirmishes and to occupy as many newly liberated systems as possible. The Freehold doubled in size. Many were later lost, but Mofaka, Heptharg and Zagros were taken in this period.

The Drazi continued a policy of expansion, occupying many old Hyach worlds and encountering the Cascor, Brakiri, Ipsha, Narn and Balosians.

The Drazi Freehold formally joins the League of Non-Aligned Worlds.

The Dilgar War. For most of the war, the Drazi were a second front separate from the main front with the Earth Alliance and most of the rest of the League. Drazi forces fought a long and vicious struggle against the Dilgar with heavy losses to both military and civilian life, with numerous atrocities committed. This struggle greatly affected the Drazi, with an increased centralization and professionalized officer corps than before, though all things are relative.

The Drazi are currently attempting to stay neutral in the Narn Centauri War. Though they prefer the Narn to the Centauri, they were apparently unable to either gain a consensus or believed the Narn were doomed to fail despite the initially good showing. Then near the end of 2259 saw the Drazi facing invasion again; this time by the Centauri. They stated that a buffer zone needed to be created between their new Narn holdings and the Non-Aligned Worlds. In early 2260, a limited talk between the Centauri and Drazi was mediated by the Minbari. Talks broke down as soon as they began. The Centauri demanded seven colony worlds in place of two they previously wanted. The Drazi refused, stating that they shouldn't have to surrender any of their own territory.

Hoping that an alliance with the Shadows would halt Centauri expansion efforts, the Drazi complied with the Shadows' wishes and attacked their neighbors as well as defending Draz and its colonies. The Drazi were horrified that their once "allies" turned on them and destroyed several of their military installations. Hopelessly outgunned and outmaneuvered, the Drazi joined the Army of Light hoping to save their people.


The Drazi Freehold is an Oligarchy, led by the Shadak, a council of 5. There are 5 branches of the Drazi people, each of whom chose a member to be on the council, taking place once each 5 cycles (or 6 Earther years), the entire Drazi Freehold participates in the Dro'hannan, a ceremonial war that determines the Freehold's ruling body for the next five cycles. The Drazi are divided into two camps by randomly choosing either a green or purple sash from a great barrel. One green and one purple sash is adorned with a pin of leadership. Whoever draws this sash becomes the leader of that color group. The next cycle is filled with non-lethal battles between the two sides. To win a battle the opposing side must either be knocked unconscious or surrender. Victories for both sides are tallied. Whichever side wins gets to elect the leaders who will fill the ruling seats of the Freehold.

Traditionally, such fighting has been non-lethal, but in 2259 the Greens turned to cold-blooded murder. Soon the Purples followed suit. On a lighter note, the approximately 4,000 Drazi on the Earther station Babylon 5 were kept from wiping each other out by a technicality unknowingly exploited by one of the human staff. In a fit of frustration Commander Susan Ivanova grabbed the Green Leader's sash, and in effect became the new Green Leader of the Drazi on the station. According to the Rules of Battle, the one who takes the Green Leader's sash becomes the new Green Leader. The Drazi haven't been able to revise their Rules of Battle since having contact with aliens, so it was legal for a human to "participate." Her solution was to make all the Drazi on the station Purple. Needless to say, I think the alien participation amendments to the rules will no longer be held up in committee.

The Drazi have an extensive bureaucracy to assist the Shadak, which is almost legendary throughout known space due to its sloth and lethargy. The Drazi are also quite advanced, with over 3000 years of civilization, and have been an interstellar power since approximately 1450.

The Drazi Freehold is a member of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Their representative on Babylon 5 is named Vizak.


Drazi Freehold Ships

Stormfalcon Heavy Cruiser CH-This is one of the largest Drazi warships. The class is comparable to the cruisers of other powers, 2.9G acceleration, 12 Star Snake and 1 Sky Serpent fighters and a jump drive, but really isn't up to being a true battlecruiser. The ship is intended to be the centerpiece of a fleet rather than a powerful, lone ship. It provides C4I and jump support to Drazi fleets. The ship is more expensive than it would first appear, both because of the flagship use and the trouble the Drazi have with construction of larger warship hulls. Stormfalcons date to 2238 and are one of the reactions to lessons learned from the Dilgar War. These hulls are built in limited numbers due to expense and the lack of need for large numbers of flagships. Stormfalcons possess a 5600MW power plant.

Nightfalcon Heavy Carrier CVH-A rare variant of the Stormfalcon, this ship is designed to perform the same mission as the Stormfalcon with some firepower sacrificed for more Sky Serpents. A full squadron of Star Snakes and 3 Sky Serpents may be carried. The Nightfalcon first entered the fleet in 2243, has a power plant rated at 5100MW and possesses a 2.9G acceleration.

Sunhawk Battlecruiser CC-This ship is the traditional ship to represent the Drazi fleet. Following the Drazi swarm doctrine, the ship has no jump drive. It has a powerful main battery but is poorly defended against fighters. The ship is responsive and maneuverable, with a 5.5G acceleration. The ship has served substantially unchanged since 2198. It has been alleged that the ship is vulnerable to thruster damage and can suffer mobility kills too easily. The ship has a powerful EW suite for a small swarm vessel. All Sunhawk hulls have poor aft defenses. The Sunhawk has a power plant rated at 3100MW.

Strikehawk Battle Carrier CV-This is a common variant of the Sunhawk hull. Weapons are sacrificed to allow a Sky Serpent fighter to be carried. It is not clear that this is a good use of resources, as the low quantity of fighters deployed by this ship may not be enough to overcome the loss of firepower. The Drazi feel it is a wise decision, however. The ships entered service in 2220 and have a 4.4G acceleration. The Strikehawks have a heterogeneous weapon arrangement, but similar ranges and rates of fire results in little problem tactically. Strikehawks have a power capacity of 3600MW.

Darkhawk Missile Cruiser CG-The missile cruiser of the Drazi fleet. This common variant of the Sunhawk is normally used en mass. Lone Darkhawks are a violation of Drazi doctrine, as they have notably different logistics requirements compared to the normal Drazi supply load, and massed missile fire is needed to overwhelm targets with good defenses, including most likely Drazi foes. Darkhawks served well in the Dilgar War. They entered service in 2214 and possess the same 5.5G acceleration as the Sunhawks on which they are based, however they only have roughly half the power generation capacity, with 1500MW. Darkhawks carry 80 standard missiles, sufficient for 20 minutes of fire at normal rates.

Solarhawk Battlecruiser CA-This rare variant of the Sunhawk is built around a controversial Solar Cannon mount. Much additional weaponry was removed from the standard Sunhawk to allow Solar Cannons to be mounted and operated by the Solarhawk. This results in a respectable attack with a low rate of fire. As a consequence, the Solarhawk is of most use in squadrons. Given Drazi deployments, this is hardly an insurmountable challenge. Solarhawks are quite new, dating to 2258, and have the standard hawk hull 5.5G acceleration, but only 2/3rds of the power capacity, with 2300MW.

Jumphawk Command Cruiser CJ-This uncommon variant of the Sunhawk hull was the standard command ship prior to the Stormfalcon. It possesses a Jump Drive, allowing it to support Drazi forces in operations off of civil shipping lanes. Now that larger, and thus more survivable, hulls carry the Jump Drives, the Jumphawk is out of favor. Low rate of production on the Stormfalcons ensure that Jumphawks will be a vital part of Drazi fleets for the foreseeable future. Jumphawks were introduced in service in 2230 and have a 5.5G acceleration. The Jumphawk also has a heterogeneous weapons array, though the similar ranges and rate of fire means this is of little harm. Jumphawks have a power capacity of 3700MW.

Eyehawk Scout Cruiser CR-This rare variant of the Sunhawk hull is the standard Drazi electronic warfare ship. While capable of providing undistinguished EW support, the electronics suite is excessively vulnerable and is limited in its theoretical output. The ship does possess a Jump Drive, and is often used as a command ship for small squadrons in the absence of a Jumphawk. Eyehawks entered service in 2228 and have a 5.5G acceleration. The ships possess only a 1600MW power generation ability, a symptom of the poor weapon's suite. This vessel needs protection and should never be used alone.

Guardhawk Battle Escort CD-This uncommon variant of the Sunhawk is intended for fighter protection. It specializes is short ranged fire to kill enemy fighters. Normally a fleet of Sunhawks will possess approximately 20% Guardhawks, depending on the lethality of the enemy fighters in that theater. Guardhawks entered service in 2234, rebuilding after the Dilgar War. They have a 5.5G acceleration and light but rapid firing weapons. While many navies drop the power requirements tremendously in building fighter defense versions of their standard hulls, the Drazi have retained almost as much power consumption as the standard Sunhawk, with 2700MW required. This is due to the power hungry nature of the Particle Repeater.

Warbird Cruiser CL-This was originally an older Drazi battlecruiser (2103), or at least the main hull of the fleets of its era. Despite heavy losses in the intervening period, especially vs. the Dilgar, the ship can still be found in large numbers. For reasons that are not clear, it appears this obsolescent vessel is still in major production, perhaps to be used as a cheaper light cruiser equivalent to the more capable Sunhawk. The hull has been updated, and this is actually the third major production variant of the Warbird, enterering service in 2234. It is expected that eventually the increasing supply of Sunhawks will render the Warbird hulls unnecessary and production will end. The ship has a 4.4G acceleration and the astonishing power requirement of 4000MW. This is due entirely to the Particle Cannon armament, notorious power hogs as they are. Later Drazi ships have begun substituting limited numbers of Particle Blasters for some of the Cannons, perhaps partially to reduce the expense to build and maintain reactors.

Strikebird Carrier CVL-This is a light carrier on a Warbird hull. It operates a squadron of Star Snakes, but sacrifices much of its armament to do so and possesses no weapons that fire to protect its aft aspect. Strikebirds date to 2235 and have the standard 4.4G common to Warbird hulls. Like the other old Warbird hulls, the power requirement is higher than one might expect, in this case 2800MW.

War Talon Escort Carrier CVE-This uncommon Warbird variant was an early carrier in the Star Snake program. It proved to be well enough appreciated to enter regular production in 2234, and is still in service. The vessel has a 4.4G acceleration and a 2400MW reactor.

Sleekbird Assault Cruiser CLP-This common Warbird variant is atmospheric and carries marine assault teams. It can deploy its troops with breaching pods, assault shuttles or even landing. Relatively small marine units are required due to the small size of the hull, but the Drazi have a well exercised procedure for deploying larger units on massed Sleekbirds when the assault echelon requires larger units. Sleekbirds entered service in 2052 and have a 4.4G acceleration. While eventually a Sunhawk variant for this mission is expected, there is no sign of hurry among the Drazi to bring this to being. Sleekbirds only require 1400MW of reactor capacity, making it the least power hungry Warbird variant.

Transbird FMU-This common 2135 variant of the Warbird is used as a key component of the chaotic Drazi supply system. The ships carry priority cargo from site to site, often in an attempt to correct some deficiency or error in the lower priority missions. The ship is armed only for self defense but relies chiefly on speed (4.4G) to escape raiders. The ship produces 1000MW of power. This ship is commonly sold to associated or allied powers, such as the pak'ma'ra. Vessels of this type get a low priority in crew replacements, so they often operate with poorer quality crews than the Drazi norm.

Wareagle Frigate Leader FJ-The Wareagle, an uncommon variant of the Stareagle, is the result of confused fighting early in the Dilgar War. Heavy fleet losses meant that much of the burden of early delaying actions were born by Stareagles, which lacked sufficient C4I to organize into proper squadrons. Especially given the inter-factional strife, some sort of leader unit was seen as vital. The Wareagle is that unit. Though not as successful as desired, it is a more capable combat unit than the Stareagle and remains in service. The Wareagle dates to 2229 and possesses a 4.4G acceleration. Wareagles only require 1000MW of reactor capacity. Less than the unupgraded hull.

Throkan (Kestrel) Corvette FQ-This 2144 police ship is intended to function as a frigate in time of war. If not in its naval role, it is technically called a Throkan, but if it serves with the fleet, it becomes a Kestrel. This oddity is not odd, provided one is a Drazi. The ship has a 3.3G acceleration, and a very high 2000MW power requirement. This is due to the Particle Cannons, and makes this vessel a rather expensive police ship to operate. It is thus basically being replaced by the more versitile Stareagle hull.

Stareagle Frigate FF-This frigate is a typical police and patrol vessel as operated by the Drazi. The armament is light, but the ship is intended to operate in secure areas. The ship dates to 2118 and has a 3.85G acceleration. Stareagles require a 1200MW reactor.

Claweagle Direct Assault Frigate FPX-This is an increasingly rare variant of the Stareagle frigate, basically turning the whole ship into a breaching pod. It carries 12 squads of marines organized and equipped for boarding actions, rather than the normal multi-mission forces. They were used in large numbers for the Dilgar War (First produced in 2230), but high losses and lack of production has resulted in few survivors. The remaining ships are normally used in counter-Raider operations. The ship has a 4.4G acceleration and a high degree of agility. It is lightly armed and has poor aft defenses. Befitting a near disposable ship, the reactor requirement is only 500MW, less than many fighters.

Brostilli Starbase-Though not in the same league as a Kraken, this is nonetheless a respectable battlestation. The armament is quite heavy for a class 4 base and is built around powerful Heavy Particle Cannons. The base has two full squadrons of Star Snake light fighters and 4 Sky Serpent Super-heavy fighters. The bases operate as both military and civil stations. The current Brostilli entered service in 2234. Brostilli Starbases have reactor capacity of 14200MW.

Shodroma Armed Satellite-Comparable to other defsats, this one has a powerful Heavy Particle Cannon and light protective weapons. It dates to 2226. Shadromas use 1400MW of power capacity, almost all in serving the Heavy Particle Cannons.

Fanged Serpent Command Fighter YHJ-This rare variant of the Sky Serpent is intended to control groups of those Super Heavy Fighters in action. First seeing action in the Dilgar War ( 2231), the type proved popular, but perhaps not cost effective. This large fighter can manage an impressive 13.2G acceleration.

Sky Serpent Heavy Assault Fighter YHG-This attack fighter is one of the largest and most powerful in known space. Though limited in its ability to dogfight with other fighters, it is excellent anti-shipping firepower and the ability to kill any fighter that is so unlucky as to get into its arc of fire. The fighters operate either in a group, if available, or if not by leading flights of Star Snakes to stiffen them and add firepower. This fighter can manage an 11G acceleration and entered service in 2220.

Star Snake Light Attack Fighter YY-This is the overwhelmingly most common Drazi fighter type. It is a reasonable fighter superiority craft, but does face the typical Drazi fighter problem. The carriers tend to support few fighters, and lack the ability to protect themselves. This means Drazi fighters tend to operate in smaller groups than other nations, or risk fleets that simply lack combat power in the main engagements. The Drazi are attempting to find a solution, which will probably entail a new carrier design doctrine. This fighter can manage a 14.3G acceleration. Star Snakes have served the Holdfast since 2110.

Shallana Breaching Pod-The Drazi highly value breaching pods, and the troops actually profess to enjoy the missions. The chosen Drazi pod is armed, an unusual option, and is more maneuverable than most. This is paid for by excessive vulnerability in the thrusters. Too often Drazi commanders attempt to use them as substitute fighters, with poor results. The pod has an 8.8G acceleration.

Troshantha Assault Shuttle-This is the standard assault shuttle for atmospheric insertions. It is a fine example of the type, relying on agility and the aggressive Drazi pilots for protection. The shuttle has a 6.6G acceleration.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 03 May 2008 22:23 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Jha'Dur was a specialist in biochemical, biogenetic, and cyberorganic weaponry and attained the Dilgar rank of Warmaster during the Dilgar's war with the Non-Aligned Worlds. She earned the name "Deathwalker" for the atrocities she committed during the war. Her forces were responsible for the conquest of Sectors 24, 39, 43, 64, and 58. She was personally responsible for infecting the entire population of Latig 4 with Stafford's Plague in 2230 and the destruction of the planets Tirolus, Comac 4, and Malax in 2231.

During the Battle of Salos in 2232, she fled and was sheltered by the Wind Swords, a militant clan within the Minbari warrior caste. She created many insidious weapons for them to be used in their war against the humans. The Grey Council banned their use. Jha'Dur also used her time with the Wind Swords to develop an anti-agapic.

She returned to the galaxy at large in 2258 on the station Babylon 5. She posed as Gyla Lobosh, a free trader, on Babylon 5. She was recognized by the Narn ambassador's attaché, Na'Toth. Jha'Dur survived the fight (barely) and was taken to Medlab. Once there her true identity was confirmed. She claimed that she wanted to make up for her and her people's past violence by giving the galaxy the key to immortality. That key was her anti-agapic agent. She had administered it to herself, so it appeared she hadn't aged since the war. While many called for her immediate trial and death, Jha'Dur's immortality serum was too good to refuse. She was to go to Earth where she, Earther scientists and Non-Aligned scientists would develop the drug. She was killed by the Vorlons prior to her entry into the jumpgate to Earth.

"The billions who live forever will be a testimony to my work, and the billions that are murdered to provide that immortality will be the continuance of that work. That will be my monument!"

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 03 May 2008 22:35 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
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Cartagia was the nephew of Emperor Turhan; when Turhan died while on a visit to Babylon 5, he left no direct heirs (as his son had also died recently in an accident). It was expected that his Prime Minister, Malachi, would be the next Emperor, but he was assassinated by forces loyal to Lord Refa. Several Centauri houses then vied for the throne, but were unable to secure a binding claim, enabling Cartagia, with the backing of Refa's agents, to make to claim on the throne. Serving largely as a figurehead for Refa and his agents, Cartagia was in favor of the military expansion of the Centauri, including the conquest of the Narn, and this quickly translated into the Narn-Centauri conflict of 2259.

After defeating the Narn in a series of quick strikes aided by the Shadows and illegal mass drivers, Cartagia's government undertook military campaigns against other races bordering Centauri space.

In early 2261, Cartagia had Babylon 5 Ambassador Mollari recalled to Centauri Prime, and appointed him as Minister of Internal Security. At first, Cartagia merely seemed flamboyant and self-indulgent, with his shocking lower-class hairstyle and numerous hangers-on. It did not take long for Mollari to realize that Cartagia was insane, especially after he learned from Morden that Cartagia had allowed the Shadows, reeling from the events on Z'ha'dum, to establish a base on the Centauri homeworld.

Mollari expressed his concerns to a member of the royal court, who explained that though the Centarum had tried to oppose Cartagia, all of his opposition had since disappeared, with the rumor being that Cartagia had hidden their heads in a secret room, where he spoke with them on a regular basis. Mollari later discovered this rumor to be true. It was also around this time that Londo learned that the Vorlons were destroying any planet with even the slightest taint of Shadow influence. When Londo informed Cartagia of this, he explained that the Shadows had agreed to reward his assistance by turning him into a deity. Cartagia then explained that the Vorlons would help his plans for deification by turning Centauri Prime into a massive inauguration pyre.

During these events, G'Kar was captured and brought to Centauri Prime. Cartagia proceeded to have G'Kar tortured and punished. However, Londo and G'Kar had come to an agreement: in return for G'Kar's assistance in his plot to assassinate Cartagia, Londo would end the Centauri occupation of the Narn. As part of this ruse, Mollari convinced Cartagia to take G'Kar to Narn and execute him there, thus allowing Mollari to draw the Emperor away from the royal court, leaving him more vulnerable.

Overthrow and assassination

When they arrived on Narn, Cartagia planned to have G'Kar killed in front of local Narns to break their spirits. However, Mollari had arranged for the chains on G'Kar's restraints to be weakened to distract Cartagia long enough for Londo to act. They would then secretly inject a poison into the Emperor which would cause his cardiovascular system to shut down nearly instantly.

The plan came close to failure when Cartagia had G'kar's chains replaced after noting that they looked "a little weak." Despite this, G'Kar managed to break free and began fighting with the guards, and in the following commotion Mollari escorted Cartagia away from the fight and prepared to inject the poison into him. Cartagia went into a fit of rage about how this was not part of his destiny and, reacting to being told to quiet down by Mollari, turned and punched him, knocking the device away. Cartagia grabbed Mollari in a stranglehold, ranting about how Mollari deserved to burn with the rest of the Centauri for failing to see his greatness. As Cartagia turned to walk away, he was injected with the poison by Vir, who had picked up the device while Londo and Cartagia struggled.

Shortly after this, the Imperial guards found Cartagia, supported by Mollari and Vir. Mollari explained that the Emperor had collapsed, and that he believed the Emperor's hearts had failed. Mollari kept his promise to G'Kar by explaining to the court that the Centauri's dealings with the Narn have now resulted in the deaths of two Emperors, and that Cartagia would interpret this as a sign from the gods to leave.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 04 May 2008 10:15 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes

Turhan ascended the throne sometime after the end of the first Centauri occupation of Narn. While his family had been directly responsible for strip mining Narn (his father was said to have "personally ordered the execution of over 100,000 Narns"), Turhan himself had nothing to do with the brutal occupation, and afterward had gone to lengths to offer concessions and return lost (or stolen) territory.

Turhan oversaw a period when the Republic was in severe decline. More than once they were compelled to withdraw in the face of Narn aggression.

The emperor's son died at some point before 2259. With his death, the Emperor retreated, not appearing in public for over a year. Without his leadership, the Centauri Royal Court lost credibility in the sight of the people, allowing for scheming and machinations of the royal houses. One such plan involved Lord Kiro and the return of The Eye, a prized jewel that was an ancient symbol of the Empire. Kiro's death but the Eye's recovery disrupted any such cout d'etat at the time.

For his part in returning The Eye, for "handling" the situation with the Narn in Quadrant 37, and for his role as Ambassador to the increasingly important outpost at Babylon 5, Londo Mollari found himself growing in favor with the Emperor and was granted an audience in early 2259. The Emperor offered Mollari one wish within his power to grant. Mollari asked for a divorce from his three wives. Turhan agreed to the request, but asked that Londo keep one of the three for ceremonial and other official purposes.

Later in 2259, Turhan found that his health was failing. He decided that he wanted to formally apologize to the Narn for all of the Centauri's past wrongs against them. Prime Minister Malachi would stay behind on Centauri Prime while Turhan made arrangements for his formal visit. The exact reasons for his coming were not disclosed, only that he would be delivering a speech following a reception. He was welcomed on board by Captain John Sheridan and his senior staff. Turhan mentioned that he was hoping to get a glimpse of the Vorlon ambassador, Kosh, as he had heard many strange stories about them over the years.

As the reception began, Turhan suffered a heart attack before he could deliver his speech (and literally minutes before G'Kar had planned to assassinate him). He was taken to Med Lab and treated by Dr. Stephen Franklin, who insisted on not allowing the emperor to be transfered back to his ship. Turhan--knowing his message would never be delivered if he entrusted it to one of his own people--asked Dr. Franklin to deliver his apology and appeal for peace to G'Kar, which the doctor did personally.

At this time, however, Londo Mollari and Lord Refa set into motion the destruction of a Narn outpost in Quadrant 14 and which assassinated Malachi. As his conditioned worsened, Turhan did get what he had wanted--a chance to see a Vorlon, when Kosh came to his bedside. Turhan asked simply, "How will this end?" Kosh (as he normally did) replied cryptically by saying, "In fire."

Before Turhan died, he whispered his final words to Mollari (upon being asked by Refa for his blessing regarding the attack on the Narn outpost), that Mollari and Refa were "both damned." Mollari, however, lied and said that the Emperor's final words were, "Continue: take my people back to the stars."

Following Turhan's death, Turhan's nephew, Cartagia took the throne.

A year after his death, the emperor's third wife Lady Morella came to Babylon 5, angrily confronting Mollari that the Narn-Centauri War was never what her husband had wanted for the Republic.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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