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The Wasted World of Gunnery Sergeant DeShane
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 Post subject: Standing Orders
PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011 21:06 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
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Standing Orders will go here.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Re: Standing Orders
PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011 21:10 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Originally posted by Scragg.

Exploration Standing Orders

Meeting New Groups

When encountering groups of people in the wasteland, first lay out an ambush position in case things become violent. 75% of the expedition is recquired to back up into ambush positions while the remaining 25% moves ahead in watches the group's activities in cover. If they are a known hostile force, the advance team will fire or rush the hostiles and immediatly retreat to the ambush point where the ambushers will spring and eradicate the hostiles. Try and keep one alive for interrogation.

To make contact follow as listed. Send down two unarmed men skilled in hand to hand and/or melee combat to make contact, just in case things turn violent. Have the envoys inform the group that they represent a trading company. Try and find out the lay of the land, where their nearest encampment is, and a bit about their ways of life, along with economical matters such as what they produce and have in excess of for possible dealings. If they seem relatively peaceful the leader of the expedition will come down from his hiding spot and broker a deal at a neutral location. Do not give out the locations of our settlements. Send 5 men to Scragg to deliver any gained information. If they are unwilling to divulge any information ask to be brought to their leader. 5 men will then tail the three envoys to their settlement, make a note of it, and report directly to Scragg for further consideration. The rest of the exploration party will proceed as planned.

Interrogators are free to let their imaginations flourish when extracting information, however if the captured tribal is promised to be let go after they've divulged information let them go, but not without tying them to the ground so they can't relay our position. If they give information freely without torture, let them go unharmed. Those who face us must be conditioned that if they give away intel that they will come to no harm. If they will not yield information, blindfold them and send them to the nearest settlement for extended interrogation with a five man escort. Field interrogations are to last no more than a day.

Never attack a group turned hostile that is stronger in terms of weaponry, armor, and men unless the environment is in our favor, such as plenty of trees and/or foliage for cover and raised surfaces. If attack is simply out of the question, hide in cover and wait for them to pass. Send 5 man team to report the enemy's movement to Scragg. Always try to attack from higher ground. Ranged attackers should make use of cover when not firing. Melee troops should wait behind ranged troopers until the enemy closes in, then attack. If at all possible, try to move ahead of the hostile group and attack from two sides.

Make extended use of hit and run attacks. Do not stay stationary if it can be helped. Keep attackers thinking about where the next attack will come from.

The following details how to respond to foriegn expedition parties.


If tribe is unknown:

When encountering tribals first lay low and observe them. If they speak an understandable dialect and show signs of being nonthreatenting (no warm color [red, , black, or gray facial markings. No armor made from trophies of kills, unless they are animal kills, no human finger necklaces, skull kneepads, ect. If they hold their weapons as if waiting for something, this could signify a war or hunting party, both are inclined to shoot you. No nonthreatening vehicles that have human remains for decorations or violent artwork) follow standard contact proceedure.

If tribe is friendly:

Announce presence and move in for a meet and greet. Find out any information on the surrounding area. If met at in the evening, request a joint camp for greater protection. Smoking is not tolerated, neither is drunkenness. Offenders of both are subject to disciplinary action upon returning home.

If tribe is hostile:

Follow the proceedure laid out in the first and third paragraphs.


Follow standard contact proceedure.


Watch the group as it passes by. If they make any remarks about killing the first thing they see do one if two things. If they are weaker than the expeditionary force in terms of equipment and men, kill them outright. Follow standard ambush proceedure.


Slavers aren't as dangerous to us as they would be to other communities. They seek to sell a product, and we have places they can be sold and always have needs for more labor. Follow standard contact proceedure.


If any abnormalites are experienced that the the expedition leader cannot handle, he will dispatch a standard 5 man team to report to Scragg for further consideration.


When discovering any settlement, study the populace from a distance, give it a wide berth, and continue on the mission. Spend no more than a day studying.


Do not engage under any circumstances unless it is already attacking another group of people and can be defeated by our involvement. Up to interpretation of expedition leader.

Everything listed is subject to revision at any moment.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Re: Standing Orders
PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011 21:11 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Originally posted by Scragg.

Sanitation Laws

If you do not want to drink your own pee or your own shit, then observe these laws. Do not under any circumstances relieve yourself in La Rook or Pin Reek. We all get our drinking water from the lake, whatever is in the lake we all drink, it will not magically go away.

All workers along Blood River are to relieve themselves downstream to minimize the risk of sickness.

A team of 30 men are to dig and maintain latrines outside the Northwest wall of Rock Hill. There are to be enough holes dug for every person. When a hole gets full it is up to the maintenance crew to fill it and dig another.

Infraction of these laws will incur a beating with spear shafts by soldiers in training. If a punisher cripples a citizen they themselves will be crippled.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Re: Standing Orders
PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011 21:12 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Originally posted by Scragg.

240 PP total are to spread out to staff the sandbags to watch for threats during 6 4 hour shifts. No more than 40 are to stand at the walls at once. At the end of every 4 hours another shift will take their place for the duration of every 24 hour day. Report directly to Scragg if anything unusual is seen or heard.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

 Post subject: Re: Standing Orders
PostPosted: 09 Jan 2011 21:13 
Sergeant Major of the USMC
Sergeant Major of the USMC
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Joined: 23 May 2005 16:49
Posts: 5244
Location: Wandering the Wastes
Originally posted by Scragg.

Those set to the task of developing new ideas, discovering new ways of doing things, doing anything intellectual for the benefit of the group, is to take precedence above all other duties.

Benno the Mad Wrote:
man, you gotta realise that thor and bos fell out of the patriot tree (like the ugly tree, but instills patriotism instead of ugly) and hit every branch on the way down.

"Gone now, dispersed by the brutal destruction of this one day, was the belief that the Darkman and his army of the dead were so superior as to be invincible. By attempting to destroy the morale of the Marines, the Darkman had restored it to full vigor. Dia De La Muerto had failed in its objectives."
The Gunny: Stand of the 300

Si vis pacem, para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Gunny's color #FF2400

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